- Erectile Dysfunction
- ElectrocardiogramYour doctor has asked that you have a dobutamine echocardiogram (dobutamine echo) to measure your heart’s tolerance to work and the heart wall movement when it is working very hard. This test is a stress test of the heart using the medicine dobutamine to make it beat faster and harder. An echocardiogram is performed during the test. During the test, your heart rate is measured by an electrocardiogram (ECG), and your blood pressure is taken while you are being given the medicine. The test, which usually takes one and a half hours, is performed in our office.
- Pregnancy
- Diabetes Care
- UltrasoundOnce this information is collected, the nurse or staff member will give you dobutamine, a medicine that quickens your heartbeat and increases your blood pressure. Lie quietly while this medicine is being given; however, if you have any discomfort or pain or shortness of breath, please let the staff know immediately. Sometimes this medicine can cause nausea; if you begin to feel bad, please tell the staff. Other medicines may be given to help you with symptoms or to assist doctors in obtaining additional information. Once the medicine is given, the technologist will perform another echo ultrasound procedure with you lying on your side. This study usually takes only 15 – 20 minutes; once the medicine is stopped, your heart rate and blood pressure should gradually slow down. Your heart rate and blood pressure will be monitored during this time.
- X-Rays