- Real Estate LitigationEstablished in 2009, United Law Center is a full service law-firm catering to real estate law, wrongful foreclosure, personal injury, civil, probate, and entertainment law. United Law Center’s experienced attorneys have handled hundreds of cases, and has nearly a dozen published cases where they protected the rights of their clients against much bigger and fearsome opponents.
- Personal InjuryHidden Costs of Contingency Fees – You know the old adage, “It sounds too good to be true?”, well contingency fees can sometimes fit into that category. In workers’ compensation and personal injury cases, like car accidents or other medical claims, attorneys get paid on contingency meaning they don’t charge you for their time spent litigating the case until it is settled in the client’s favor. Sounds great, right? However, in order to properly litigate your case, there could be hard costs, expenses and other fees charged to you for evidence gathering and expert testimony. Make sure you stay in close communication with your attorney so they aren’t incurring these costs, which will be charged back to your case, without your knowledge and buy-in. Otherwise your settlement could be greatly impacted by such costs once the payout for settlement is made. Moreover, if you lose your case, in some instances you could also be responsible for the other side’s attorney costs, in addition to our own. If you have further questions on this, please email us here.
- Probate
- ForeclosureJoin Attorney Stephen Foondos from the United Law Center this and every Saturday from 3-4:00 p.m. for the Ask Steve For Free radio program on NewsRadio KFBK 1530AM when we discuss what to do if you’re worried about a foreclosure and also why you should never expect an up front guarantee from your attorney on case results. Be sure and check out Stephen’s new series, The Ask Steve for Free Legal Challenge that runs every weekday morning at 7:30am on KQCA-MY58 TV. These weekly topics will extend into the radio show where we explore them in more depth. This week’s show will cover...