- ArthritisOver the past several years, researchers have been working hard to understand acupuncture. One way to do this is by performing clinical trials on acupuncture. A clinical trial is simply a way of looking at the effects of acupuncture on a group of patients with a certain disease. First, a group of patients with a given disease is identified: for example, arthritis of the knee. Tests and X-rays are performed to demonstrate that the patients all have the same disease. Next, acupuncture is given to half of the patients while the other half receives standard medical care. After a certain amount of time and treatments, all of the patients are checked to see whether they have improved, and the two different groups are compared. The improvements (or lack of improvements) of the patients treated with acupuncture is compared with the group who did not get acupuncture to determine the effectiveness of the treatment.
- FibromyalgiaA combination of chiropractic, trigger point therapy, and lifestyle changes has proven to be very effective in decreasing the severity and duration of the physical pain of fibromyalgia. The word fibromyalgia comes from the Latin term for fibrous tissue (fibro) and the Greek ones for muscle (myo) and Read more
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Medical Weight LossAcupuncture is used to treat a wide variety of medical conditions. Here is just a partial list of conditions for which acupuncture has been found to be effective: fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, headaches and migraines, lower back pain and sciatica, frozen shoulder, insomnia, arthritis, PMS, weight loss, and addiction control (smoking).
- Rheumatology
- Nutritional CounselingWe provide specific recommendations on nutritional supplements and healthy food choices to enhance our patient´s return to optimal health. Do you know which supplements and vitamins are good for youDr. Shem Ray III can provide a structured nutritional program based on your individual needs.
- Ear Infections
- Emergency Care
- Pregnancy
- Carpal Tunnel SyndromeChiropractic care is effective for a wide variety of conditions - not just back pain. From infants who are just days old to older adults, children, athletes, men, and women, chiropractic care is appropriate for almost anyone. It offers a drug-free alternative to pain management, improved mobility, and enhanced function for conditions ranging from asthma to PMS and headaches to carpal tunnel. Chiropractic care is also very important for injury recovery and rehabilitation, following auto accidents, falls and other personal injuries.
- Depression
- Insomnia
- Ultrasound
- X-Rays
- SciaticaPain that radiates from your lower (lumbar) spine to your buttock and down the back of your leg is the hallmark of sciatica. Occasionally, sciatic pain in men is caused by sitting on a wallet. The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in your body. It runs from your pelvis, through your hip area and buttocks Read more
- WhiplashThe term "whiplash" was first used in 1928 to define an injury mechanism of sudden hyperextension followed by an immediate hyperflexion of the neck that results in damage to the muscles, ligaments and tendons - especially those that support the head. Today, we know that whiplash injuries frequently do Read more
- Pinched NerveWhen nerves become 'pinched', injury, spasm, and inflammation of the surrounding muscles causes the nerve to become compressed, resulting in pain. The term "pinched nerve" is somewhat of a catch-all phrase that is commonly used to describe the pain associated with a variety of conditions from subluxations, Read more
- Eczema
- PsoriasisThe se conditions it is always advisable to get consent of your medical practitioner before having a massage. In case of severe skin problems, such as eczema or psoriasis - massage can add to dermal irritation.
- Sports MedicineNumerous studies have demonstrated that chiropractic care is one of the most effective treatments for back pain, neck pain, headaches, whiplash, sports injuries and many other types of musculoskeletal problems. It has even been shown to be effective in reducing high blood pressure, decreasing the frequency of childhood ear infections, and improving the symptoms of asthma. More and more scientific research is demonstrating the tremendous detrimental impact that subluxation have on the tissue of the body. In order to be truly healthy, it is vital that your nervous system be functioning free of interference from subluxations. Chiropractors are the only health professionals trained in the detection, location, and correction of the vertebral subluxation complex through chiropractic care.
- Physical TherapyHowever, keep in mind that these chemicals only give you a temporary respite from the pain. If your pain improves as a result of these techniques, you need to follow up these improvements with physical therapy. These chemicals give us a narrow window to begin daily routines that will increase our function over time. Hopefully, you will have enough time to increase strength, flexibility and endurance so that when the steroid or medicines have run their course, you will still be pain-free because you are now stronger and healthier than before.
- Frozen ShoulderThe term frozen shoulder encompasses a wide variety of restrictive shoulder disorders and can also be referred to as adherent bursitis, pericapsulitis, obliterative bursitis and periarthritis. Regardless of what it is called, manipulation of the joint and neuro-muscular-skeletal rehabilitation are needed Read more
- Slipped DiscDiscs do not actually "slip". Rather, they may herniate or bulge outward. A herniation is a displaced fragment of the center part of the disc. You may have heard the term "slipped disc" used to describe a low back injury. Discs do not actually "slip." Rather, they may herniate or bulge out from between Read more
- Heel Pain
- Neck Pain
- Back Pain
- Orthotics and Prosthetic Therapy
- Heel Pain
- Plantar FasciitisAbout 90 percent of people will recover from plantar fasciitis within a few months following conservative treatment. Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common explanations of heel pain. It is caused by inflammation to the thick band that connects the toes to the heel bone, called the plantar fascia, Read more