- Pregnancy
- Labor and DeliveryMommy makeover surgery is designed to reverse the physical changes associated with childbearing and aging. If childbirth has left you with the following characteristics, consider undergoing a mommy makeover...
- Eyelid Surgery
- LiposuctionA “mommy makeover” is any combination of cosmetic surgery procedures that restore your before-pregnancy appearance, typically focusing on the breasts and abdomen. A typical makeover might include a tummy tuck, a breast procedure such as an augmentation, lift or reduction and liposuction of the legs, arms or trunk. The term “mommy makeover” may be new, but the surgical procedures involved have a long, successful, and safe track record.
- Breast AugmentationBreast implants include Round Breast Implants, Anatomic Shaped Breast Implants, Smooth Breast Implants, Textured Breast Implants, Silicone Gel Breast Implants, “Gummy Bear” Silicone Gel Breast Implants, and Saline Breast Implants
- Breast ReductionBreast Reduction Incision Options. There are at least four different incision patterns. Your pattern will depend on the size of your breasts, how much your breasts sag, and where your nipple-areola complex is positioned on your breast. Breast reduction surgery may be covered by your health insurance plan. The practice of Michael P. Vincent MD FACS participates with almost health insurance plans and we will verify for you.
- Breast LiftBreast Lift Incision Options. Breast lifts are considered cosmetic surgery procedures. We do our best to conceal some incision lines in natural breast contours, but others will be visible on the breast surface. Although incision lines are permanent, in most cases they will fade and significantly improve over time.
- Rhinoplasty
- Plastic SurgeryMembers of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery are experienced and qualified to perform your aesthetic or cosmetic surgery procedure. Learn how to select a surgeon for your Cosmetic Surgery.
- Face Lift
- Neck Lift
- Blepharoplasty
- AbdominoplastyConsider visiting our website for additional information by clicking on abdominoplasty, liposuction, breast lift, breast reduction, and breast augmentation.
- Body ContouringMichael P. Vincent MD FACS and the staff of the Ambulatory Plastic Surgery Center Associates are proud to announce the addition of two minimally invasive aesthetic options. We are offering the minimally invasive Facial Rejuvenation using Microneedle Fractional RF Technology and the minimally invasive Body Contouring using Fat Freezing (Cryolipolysis)
- Cosmetic SurgeryMommy Makeover Surgery, also known as post-pregnancy surgery or Postpartum Cosmetic Surgery. Click the above image for more complete information.
- Back Pain