- Arthritis
- Medical Weight Loss
- Primary Care
- Emergency CareLocated on Foxon Road (also known as Route 80) upstairs from the Urgent Care Center and in front of the Deer Run Elementary School and next to Our Lady of Pompeii church.
- GlaucomaAll of our locations are technologically state-of-the-art, with resources to perform primary eye care and well-patient exams, along with the latest in diagnostics and treatments for ophthalmic, cornea, glaucoma, retina, and oculoplastic disorders and conditions.
- OphthalmologyOCLI is a world-renowned, multi-location ophthalmology practice offering eye care services. Our practitioners are some of the most respected physicians in the region, earning their reputations as esteemed innovators and complication-solvers.
- Macular DegenerationRetina conditions often occur with the aging eye. Are you experiencing eye issues related to aging? Are you diabetic? As your eyes age, the retina becomes more susceptible to disease. Macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, retinal tears, macular holes and macular puckers are common retina issues that develop in aging eyes.
- Laser Eye SurgeryIf you answered yes to these questions, you’re not alone; millions of people in the US suffer from visual disorders that can be treated. That’s right —clear vision with reduced or no dependence on glasses and contact lenses is an option! At OCLI Vision, we take pride in offering our patients the most advanced options for vision correction, including blade-free/all-laser LASIK. Most people who struggle with glasses and contact lenses have heard about vision correction procedures such as LASIK. LASIK laser vision correction continues to grow in popularity, and with good reason. Millions have undergone LASIK with amazing results. At OCLI Vision, our surgeons have an excellent track record of helping LASIK surgery patients greatly reduce—or completely eliminate—their need for eyeglasses and contact lenses! The first laser vision corrections in the world were performed by OCLI doctors. To date, OCLI Vision doctors have performed over 100,000 laser procedures.
- CataractsAs we get older, our eyesight becomes less sharp, and some may notice that their eyesight is blurry or foggy. This is extremely common and can happen for a few reasons, but one of the biggest causes is cataract development. Cataracts are extremely common–responsible for about 51% of blindness worldwide.
- Cataract SurgeryBecause cataracts develop slowly over a period of years, most patients do not notice an apparent change in their vision at first. In most cases, an eye doctor will discover cataract development before the patient notices it. Attending regular eye examinations allows your eye doctor to keep close watch on cataract development, helping to determine when it is time for cataract surgery.
- Eye ExamOCLI Vision offers a comprehensive and complete range of eye care services, catering to your entire family. At OCLI, we strive to protect vision at every stage of life. We offer something for everybody, whether it be an eye exam or corrective surgery.
- NeurologyNeuro-ophthalmology is a subspecialty that merges both neurology and ophthalmology. A neuro-ophthalmologist is a doctor who specializes in visual problems related to the nervous system.
- Diabetes Care
- Thyroid
- Diabetic RetinopathyAt OCLI, we take preventative care very seriously. Patients with diabetes are especially susceptible to additional health problems, including eye conditions such as diabetic retinopathy. This means that diabetic patients need to attend eye examinations more often than other patients.
- MRIDuring your appointment, your provider will take a detailed account of your medical history and perform a clinical examination. You should bring any available CT or MRI images, as well as any other information that could be helpful during your appointment. Be sure to bring someone to drive you home, as your eyes will likely be dilated.
- X-Rays
- BotoxWrinkles caused by dynamic movement of muscles around the eyes, face and neck can be softened by the use of neurotoxins. Though the most commonly used neurotoxin is Botox, Drs. Garibaldi and Wong will provide a consult and determine which product is best for you.
- Brow LiftBrow lifts are often performed to reduce wrinkles, reduce frown lines, and to raise eyebrows which may be sagging because of age. The goal of the procedure may be to improve vision or to improve the appearance of low set brows. When performing a brow lift, many patients opt to have other procedures performed such as blepharoplasty or ptosis repair. There are several different ways to address drooping brows – a consultation with Drs. Garibaldi and Wong can help determine which approach is best for you.
- Eyelid SurgeryBlepharoplasty is an eyelid surgery that is performed to help improve the appearance of the eyelids or address vision concerns. Blepharoplasty can be performed on the upper or lower lids. Eyelid surgery is often performed to improve the appearance of bags under the eyes, as well as to fix drooping upper eyelids that may be impairing vision or causing cosmetic concern. After recovery from blepharoplasty, most patients feel that their eyes have been rejuvenated.
- Face LiftFor those that are looking improve the appearance of the eyelid-cheek junction, a mid-face lift may be the answer. Mid-face lifts, or cheek lifts, are best for patients who want to reduce signs of aging like sagging in the cheeks. Traditional face lifts may not properly treat the cheeks or eyelids. Mid-face lifts can have more long-lasting effects than injectables like fillers. At OCLI, Dr. Wong performs mid-face lifts and provide a consultation to determine whether this procedure will help to achieve your cosmetic goals.
- BlepharoplastyAt OCLI, we offer cosmetic rejuvenation treatments such as BOTOX, dermal fillers and laser skin treatments. We also offer functional and cosmetic oculoplastic surgeries  such as blepharoplasty and ptosis correction. Whether you are looking to improve appearance, restore function, or both, OCLI has you covered.
- Scar RevisionScar revision and exploration may be required for cases in which previous surgeries have overcorrected or undercorrected the problem or when injuries to the eye or orbital inflammation are responsible for the misalignment of the eyes and resulting poor vision.
- Cosmetic Surgery
- Acne Treatment
- Sports MedicineChildren are at risk for injury at any time, from chemicals, pencils, fireworks, BB guns, or from sports injuries (for example, football, baseball, or basketball thrown at them).
- Allergies