- Landscape LightingNorthern Electric is dedicated to supporting their employees as well as donating to several non-profit organizations. Recently Construction Management senior at Cal Poly Slo, Michael Klee of Northern Electric Inc. and president of Cal Poly’s NECA student chapter, raised over $60,000 to complete an ice making system in Ghana. Working with support from North Bay contractors, suppliers and our local NECA and IBEW organizations, Klee completed the fundraising, design and construction of a photovoltaic array that powers interior and exterior lighting, charging stations, a ventilation system, two industrial direct-current freezers, a water filtration system, various charge controllers, a battery bank, and a community entertainment system. Through our community support and on a daily basis we strive to embody a company wide culture of support, innovation and excellence.
- Electrical Repairs
- Fire Alarm SystemsConstruction of American AgCredit’s Headquarters 120,000 square foot campus. Our scope of work included the complete installation of power, lighting, site lighting, lighting control, security, telecommunications, and fire alarm systems. We installed over a million feet of copper wire, 20,000 pounds of UPS backup batteries, 2,400 LED light fixtures and 420 motorized light sensitive roller shades.