- Auto InsuranceWhat you don’t prepare for could set you up for financial ruin. Issues with your business and home & auto insurance could even cost you your entire practice. Don’t be in the dark. If you have a personal umbrella liability policy, there’s generally an exclusion for business-related liability. At Backus Payne, we want to make sure you have sufficient general liability and workers compensation coverage.
- Home InsuranceWe don’t believe in hiding anything from our clients. We will walk you through the process of filing claims, notify you about what discounts are available to you and talk you through exactly what’s included in your policy and what’s not. Did you know your auto & home insurance could affect your practice too? Your practice is your livelihood. Ask us how we can help save everything in your life.
- Business Insurance
- Workers Compensation InsuranceCindy joined Backus Payne in 2010 as a Customer Service Representative. She has been in the medical-liability insurance business since 2005. Cindy also has five years of business owner and workers compensation insurance experience. Cindy comes to us with twenty-six years of experience in the insurance field from such companies as AAA.
- Commercial Liability InsuranceWe also offer products to most other businesses, including workers compensation, various business packages, commercial auto and commercial umbrella. We’ve been insuring and servicing physicians, dentists and attorneys since 1992. Since then, we’ve had a strong commitment to making it easy for our clients to get the coverage they need, hassle-free. If you don’t have a personal relationship with your current agent, or feel you’re not getting the protection and value you need, please call us right now at 248-608-9520.
- Professional Liability InsuranceBackus Payne & Associates provides professional liability coverage to physicians, dentists, lawyers, health care entities, clinics, home health care agencies, surgical centers and medical groups of all sizes. We are a leading independent agency representing only the very best carriers in this highly technical field—those that offer superior coverage, are financially stable and provide our clients with a tough defense when needed.
- Liability Insurance