Total Tantric Massage
- Regular Hours:
Mon - Sun - Category
- Massage Services
- Services / Products
- When you book an appointment, we agree on the time and place. At this point, I do have a studio, so it is on an out-call basis or in-call is avaiable. It should be someplace where you have sufficient privacy and feel comfortable. I suggest turning up the heat, so you don't get chilled during the massage You can also decide who you want to receive the massage from. I work with my fiancee' .We are both very good therapists who have a wonderful touch and good grasp of Tantric principals. You can have either a two or 4-hand massage from any of us. When we arrive, we can spend some time getting to know each other a little bit, or just get right into the massage, whatever you prefer. I will take a few minutes to set up my massage gear. Each person is different, so each massage is a little bit different, but we usually start off with the client on their back, on the table, under a sheet. Then begin with a gentle foot massage (reflexology). This is very relaxing and feels wonderful. From there we will go up to the neck and shoulders, where we do some stretching and massage to work out the knots and tension from the muscles. I also do some energy balancing (Polarity) to clear out blockages and restore the flow and balance of your life force energy (Chi). These techniques are extremely powerful and effective. You will feel a noticeable difference immediately. Then the client will turn over so we can work on the back. We work out all of the knots, tension and stress through gentle, deep tissue massage that is never too hard, but just deep enough. We also work the muscles in the legs and buttocks until your entire body is completely relaxed and loose, like a wet noodle. This is the end of Phase I: to release the physical stress & tension and clear out the blockages in your energy.
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- All Green Products
- Location
- Corner of Scruggs Rd. and Carrol Dr. close to Costco or the Tn/Ga Auto Auction or Brainerd Dragstrip
- Amenities
- Phase III is where we really switch on the energy as we awaken the Kundalini and draw it out into the rest of your body. As I use several different techniques to accomplish this, it may be different for each person depending on what works for them. Some people are just not ready for the intensity of the full Kundalini experience, and that is fine. Everyone is different and each person will have their own experience. This phase will usually involve intense Tantric breathing exercises. Those who experience the magic of Kundalini are not disappointed. The energy can be tremendous and the sensations incredible. Of course, it is different for everyone. By the end of the session you will feel both relaxed and energized, completely satisfied and at peace with yourself and the world.
- Associations
- Owner Valerie Parr -Student /Worker Charles Johnson L.M.T. certified
General Info
Phase II is all about building up the energy in your body, and beginning to awaken the Kundalini. There are a number of techniques for this. One of them is very light tracing of the fingertips over the surface of your skin. Very gentle, very smooth and light, but not enough to be ticklish. I cover the entire body, gradually focusing into the area where the Kundalini is resting (at the base of the spine). This part of the massage can be arousing. That is OK, it is a part of the process, but I will always tell every client that this treatment is for you, for your enjoyment. So if there is ever a moment where you feel uncomfortable , it is OK to let me know, and we can stop or do something differently. You cannot enjoy your massage if you're feeling uncomfortable. I am a professional massage therapist with over 20 years of experience, so I know how important it is for my clients to feel relaxed and comfortable. Another energy building technique that is vital to the emergence of Kundalini is energizing and balancing of the Chakras. These are energy centers that run up and down the center of your body. Your Chakras have a very powerful impact on various aspects of your self, both physical and emotional. Many people can actually feel when certain Chakras are open & clear VS. closed & blocked. For example, when your Heart Chakra is clear, balanced and open, you will experience a great deal of love and trust towards the people in your life, as well as the world at large. When this Chakra is closed & blocked you can feel how closed down your heart feels, inaccessible. I work on clearing, energizing and balancing all 7 of the main Chakras. By this point, you will be feeling totally relaxed and comfortable. All of the blockages should be cleared and your body is primed for the emergence of the Kundalini. Phase III is where we really switch on the energy as we awaken the Kundalini and draw it out into the rest of your body. As I use several different techniques to accomplish this, it may be different for each person depending on what works for them. Some people are just not ready for the intensity of the full Kundalini experience, and that is fine. Everyone is different and each person will have their own experience. This phase will usually involve intense Tantric breathing exercises. Those who experience the magic of Kundalini are not disappointed. The energy can be tremendous and the sensations incredible. Of course, it is different for everyone. By the end of the session you will feel both relaxed and energized, completely satisfied and at peace with yourself and the world.