- GlaucomaGlaucoma is a group of eye diseases marked by increased pressure within the eye that, if left untreated, can damage the optic nerve and cause loss of vision. It can be treated in one of two ways: medication or surgery. Both of these treatments are aimed at lowering intraocular pressure. Medications are considered to be the first line of treatment for the disease. If they fail, then surgery will be considered.
- OphthalmologyRobert W. Jacey, M.D., board-certified by the American Board of Ophthalmology, welcomes a range of patients – from those with general eye care needs to those who have cataracts, glaucoma, and diabetes. He performs cataract and anterior segment eye surgery as well as laser treatment.
- Macular DegenerationMacular degeneration, also known as Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD), is typically a natural result of the aging process. However, it often causes blurriness and reduces our ability to perform detailed tasks.
- Laser Eye SurgeryCongratulations! You’ve taken to first step to reducing or eliminating your need for glasses and or contact lenses! Please fill out form below and we will contact you to setup a free LASIK consultation.
- CataractsA cataract is a cloudiness in the eye’s lens, preventing light from passing through the eye and reaching the retina. Opacity in the eye can be minor or highly hindering to your vision. Cataracts are most often seen in adults over 40 but can occur at any age and cause gradual vision loss.
- Cataract SurgeryCataract surgery has a 95% success rate in restoring clear vision. With vast experience and advanced technology, we can ensure a seamless procedure.
- Eye ExamWhile the causes are many, the diagnosis is straightforward. We can detect Dry Eye Disease through a simple eye exam or a dye test. The Schirmer Test, which measures tear volume in the eye, can also be used.
- Diabetes Care
- Diabetic RetinopathyThis disease can be detected by viewing the retina with instruments that illuminate and magnify the eye’s structures. If Diabetic Retinopathy is found, a series of photographs are taken as a dye travels through the retinal vessels.