- Child AbuseSubstitute Panelist, "Multidisciplinary Session: Child Abuse: A Forensic Reassessment and Search for Balance," - American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Annual Meeting, February 2000, Reno NV.
- Criminal DefenseSteve Benjamin founded the firm at the beginning of his career, and established an aggressive practice in the state and federal trial and appellate courts. He is a Past President of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, a Fellow of the American Board of Criminal Lawyers, a Fellow of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, and a Past President of the Virginia Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers.
- Sex CrimesPanelist, Multidisciplinary Session: Criminalistics/Jurisprudence, "Prosecuting Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault Cases: Problems Encountered / Technical Fallibilities," presented at the American Academy of Forensic Sciences Annual Meeting, 2002
- Assault
- MurderAt the request of the Virginia Supreme Court, he helped establish and chair an annual Advanced Indigent Defense Training Seminar to draw top lecturers from across the country to train Virginia’s defenders at no cost. With his law partner, he won the non-DNA exoneration and release of a man serving a life sentence for a murder he did not commit, and he argued in the United States Supreme Court that a Richmond trespassing policy violated the free speech rights of public housing residents. He assisted the State Crime Commission in the creation of Virginia’s Writs of Actual Innocence, and after determining that criminal defendants throughout Virginia were routinely losing their appellate rights because of attorney error, he helped draft the procedure that was enacted by the Virginia General Assembly to restore those rights. When biological evidence was discovered in twenty years of old case files stored in Virginia’s crime laboratories, he helped persuade state political leadership to order statewide DNA testing. When the pace of that testing stalled, he worked to obtain the passage of two successive bills mandating effective notification of interested parties that this new evidence had been discovered. He is a recipient of the Virginia State Bar’s Lewis F. Powell Pro Bono Award in recognition of his years of indigent defense and efforts toward indigent defense reform. He is a frequent lecturer on criminal justice and defense issues.
- Arson
- Hit and Run