- Wrongful Termination
- Employment Litigation
- Eminent DomainAs will be explored in this paper, there are uses of the government’s police powers that take,damage or destroy property that are not compensable under the doctrine of eminent domain. Such uses may be compensable under tort law or other legal theories, but not as an exercise of the power of eminent domain. Read More
- Land Use and ZoningAs attorneys, we often encounter hot land use issues at local levels of government. While those issues may include the zoning application du jour or some other topic that results in droves of constituents descending on city council hambers or a county commissioners court meeting, there are a few issues out there that recently have become the subject of intense public debate. Read More
- Tax LawThe Economic Development Sales Tax Workshops are specifically designed for EDC Board Members and local elected officials. The 2019 workshops include information about economic and community development in general, and a discussion of changes to the Economic Development Sales Tax law that occurred during the 86th session of the Texas Legislature. Schedule: EDST – Mesquite […]