- Pest Identification
- AntsAnts may seem tiny, but they’re a nuisance. They can contaminate your food and spread bacteria. These six-legged squatters can also chew through walls and electrical wires, creating potential fire hazards that could cost you your home (and worse!).
- SpidersAs a top pest control company, we offer comprehensive pest control solutions that cover both the exterior and interior of your property. For exterior treatment, our skilled technicians utilize backpack sprayers to effectively cover your yard, creating a protective barrier against pests. Additionally, we provide De-webbing services for eaves and other areas where spiders may create unsightly webs. When it comes to our interior treatment, we take a proactive approach to pest management. Our team applies pest control products to key areas where pests commonly infest, such as the garage and around trash cans, to prevent infestations before they occur. We also target areas with plumbing fixtures, where pests may seek moisture, by applying pest control solutions to deter their presence.
- Bed BugsBed bugs are the things of nightmares. Sleep is supposed to be restorative but having these nocturnal bloodsuckers sharing your bed will make a restful night’s sleep next to impossible.
- FleasSpotting animal droppings in an attic or crawlspace is a tell-tale sign that rodents are in the area. Never touch rodent droppings with your bare hands as they can contain potentially deadly diseases. The fleas and ticks that feed on the rodent’s blood can also be brought into your home. Other ways to spot rodent activity include small chew marks or entry holes around the perimeter of your home. Mice are incredibly adept at getting into your home through even the tiniest of holes. Once they find a nice cozy spot, rodents make a nest and take up residence.
- CockroachesCockroaches are hardy and resilient creatures. They’ll outlive us all. But, that doesn’t mean we have to live with them. They’re a significant threat to the sanctity of your home and your family’s health.
- BeesThe In2Care program, provided by Facility Pest Control, employs cutting-edge technology to decrease mosquito populations and shield your family from potentially dangerous bites without endangering beneficial insects like bees and butterflies.
- WaspsWhen it comes to bee and wasp control, our technicians take care to protect our clients and their property with the latest removal methods.
- TicksOur general pest services target a range of common pests, including ants, earwigs, spiders, crickets, roaches, and wasps. Additionally, we offer optional services for scorpions, fleas, ticks, bees, yellow jackets, and hornets for an additional fee. At Facility Pest Control, we prioritize customer satisfaction above all else. Our team of experienced technicians is committed to delivering exceptional results and ensuring that your property remains pest-free.
- Crickets
- Earwigs
- MosquitoesMosquitoes bite, annoy people, and carry harmful diseases, making them a pest that nobody wants on their property. Unfortunately, Southern California has more than 50 established species, including non-native species that have moved in over the past several years.
- BeetlesBed bugs are often confused with other pests like fleas or carpet beetles, making it crucial to have a professional accurately identify the issue. Our bed bug experts possess the knowledge and expertise to correctly identify these pests and recommend the most effective treatment plan for your home or business. With our thorough approach, we ensure the complete eradication of bed bugs, giving you peace of mind and a pest-free home.
- Scorpions
- Hornets
- Yellowjackets
- Stinging InsectsThere are situations in which bees and other types of stinging insects can become dangerous. In such cases, it’s important to hire a bee exterminator with the expertise to safely remove the threat from your home or business.
- MolesSeveral types of common rodents can be mistaken for one another. Both moles and gophers dig and burrow, but there are differences in the mounds of soil they make that can help you determine which one you have...
- WildlifeCalling a pest control technician with wildlife control experience is the best and most effective way to get rid of gophers. Our technicians can confirm that you have pocket gophers and not some other type of rodent (which may call for a different treatment) and create the extermination plan that’s best for you.
- Birds
- RodentsBesides the health risks they present, rodents can cause damage to your property and even cause fire hazards. Our rodent exterminators take the time to assess the situation and listen to our customers before outlining an effective rodent control plan.
- Mice
- RatsThese small rodents may be mistaken for other types of rodents, such as ground squirrels or rats, so it’s important to have a gopher control professional identify the problem. Our gopher extermination experts have the skills and experience to make an accurate identification and recommend the control method that’s right for you.
- SquirrelsRodents will take up residence in your home or business in just about any spot that’s warm, safe, and dry. Our technicians have encountered rodents in a wide variety of places but often see nests in ceilings, attics and other high points in the home. If you have trees or low-hanging branches that are in contact with the roof, this can create an easy way for squirrels and other rodents to make their way into your home.
- GophersYou may not often see gophers on your property, but you’ll notice the damage they can do to the plants, trees, turf, and flower beds in your landscape as they dig their underground tunnels.
- ChipmunksAbsolutely. Smaller rodents such as squirrels, rats, mice, and chipmunks can carry a variety of diseases such as hantavirus, tularemia, and salmonella. Ways these diseases can be transmitted include a bite or scratch, contacting droppings or urine, or even eating food a rodent has contaminated. Because of these health risks and the damage they can do to your property, rodent infestations should never be taken lightly and should be treated as soon as possible by an experienced rodent exterminator.