- FibromyalgiaAcupuncture —A component of traditional Chinese medicine, this alternative practice uses small needles to stimulate the central nervous system and the body’s natural healing abilities to ultimately block pain. As a long-recognized effective treatment for chronic pain, people with various health conditions such as fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, neck and brain pain, and more have experienced many benefits, including pain management.
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Medical Weight LossWeight management is an increasing challenge as we age, and with obesity being linked to serious health conditions like diabetes and heart disease, understanding the importance of quality sleep on weight management is important.
- Rheumatology
- Primary CareWe are the largest family-owned, physician-led primary care provider serving underserved communities. With passion. With love. Every day.
- Sleep DisordersUp to half of all seniors experience insomnia, a common sleep disorder that prevents falling and staying asleep at night. Insomnia may present differently in different individuals, with symptoms ranging from difficulty falling asleep to waking up frequently, too early, or even not feeling well-rested after sleep. Daytime grogginess, irritability, depression, anxiety, as well as difficulty focusing on tasks or paying attention can be accompanying symptoms of insomnia. A number of changes people experience as they age, such as hormone changes and sleep cycle fluctuations, can make older adults more prone to developing insomnia.
- Emergency Care
- Infectious Diseases
- Flu ShotsAdd the extra layer of protection. Flu shots are FREE for JenCare Senior Medical Center patients. Schedule your flu vaccine appointment today.
- ImmunizationsPlease do not hesitate to contact your doctor with any questions you may have. If you need help finding or accessing a vaccination, COVID-19 testing, or COVID-19 treatment options in your area, we can help!
- Ophthalmology
- Gastroenterology
- Urology
- Nephrology
- Stress ManagementFor some people, getting older means sleeping less, and while less sleep may not always be a cause for concern, experts recommend 7-9 hours a night. If you aren’t consistently getting enough zzz’s and find yourself staring at the ceiling when the rest of the world is sound asleep, don’t worry—there are things you can do to improve your quality and quantity of rest. Prioritizing quality rest can have overarching benefits, such as improved stress management and a better immune response. It can even lower your risk for serious health conditions like diabetes and heart disease.
- Depression
- Mental HealthThroughout our lives, we spend a significant amount of time with others—until we get older. An interesting visual representation from the World Economic Forum shows that the older we get, the more time alone we spend. While alone time is great for reflection, introspection, and maybe even the occasional book binge, in larger, more prolonged amounts, it can be detrimental to physical and mental health—even more so for older adults.
- Psychiatry
- Insomnia
- Behavioral Health
- Anxiety
- Diabetes Care
- Endocrinology
- Radiology
- Wound Care
- Dermatology
- Corns
- Calluses
- Physical TherapyPhysical Therapy —Chronic or long-term pain can make you a perfect candidate for physical therapy as a means of pain relief. With exercises that help strengthen muscles and joints, physical therapy can help you recover from a traumatic injury, improve mobility and balance, and reduce chronic pain.
- General Podiatry
- Achilles Tendonitis
- Calluses
- Plantar Fasciitis