- Deep Tissue MassageTechniques that utilize deep-tissue/deep-muscle massage are administered to affect the sub-layer of musculature and fascia using very deep pressure that is intended to break up adhesions in the belly of the muscle or in areas around the joints. These techniques require advanced training and a thorough understanding of anatomy and physiology. The muscles must be relaxed in order to effectively perform deep-tissue massage, otherwise tight surface muscles prevent the practitioner from reaching deeper musculature. It helps with chronic muscular pain, injury rehabilitation, sports related injures, and reduces inflammation-related pain caused by arthritis and tendonitis. It is generally integrated with other massage techniques.
- Craniosacral MassageThis work is gentle yet very powerful. The Craniosacral System extends from the bones of the skull, or cranium, through the entire spine including the nerves, spinal cord, dural tube, and fascia, all the way down to the tailbone, or sacrum. This system has a rhythm that can be felt throughout the whole body. Using a touch no heavier then the weight of a nickel, we can monitor this rhythm at key body points to pinpoint the source of a restriction or stress. Then we can assist the natural movement of the fluid and related soft tissue to help the body self correct. This form of bodywork can be beneficial to anyone who has been in any type of trauma. Such as whiplash, car accidents, falling down, sports injuries, emotional traumas, and head traumas. Other indications for craniofacial therapy are as follows...
- Reiki Massage
- Chiropractic AdjustmentsThe following are some of the more common skeletal conditions treated successfully with Chiropractic Adjustments in our office.
- Stretching
- SubluxationNeck pain, or cervicalgia, is a very common condition in our society. It is defined as a pain in the neck. Things that cause cervicalgia are whiplash injuries from an auto accident or other trauma, repetitive work injuries such as talking on the telephone or staring at a computer monitor. These conditions cause the muscles of the neck to become unbalanced, which in turn causes the vertebrae of the cervical spine to become fixated and not move freely. In chiropractic terms this is called a subluxation.
- Myofascial TherapySince the fascia is interconnected and too much force can cause the fascia to become glued or sticking, this in turn affects the whole body. To be effective at releasing the fascia, we as therapists have to work with your body as a whole. Even if you have come in for something very specific, Myofascial Release can be applied very superficially and can gradually become very deep such as soft tissue mobilization. This type of work is very powerful because we as therapists tune into your bodies natural healing abilities. The body knows how to heal; we just listen and follow the bodies lead. This takes patience and skill. Many times the body has to go back into the position of impact in order to heal, and we as your therapists will guide and support you in your healing process. Benefits of Myofascial Release are as follows...