- New ConstructionDrilled Pipe Pile, Micro Pile and Helical Pile (DPP, MP and HP) systems are small diameter, high strength, manufactured steel, component pile systems. DPP/MP/HP are drilled and screwed into the ground to develop bearing and tension resistance for the support of foundations. MP can be installed quickly in virtually all ground using small mobile drilling equipment. The HP offers a well-defined, component steel pile with reliable support of foundations. DPP/MP/HP construction produces low noise and no vibrations. The DPP/MP/HP obtains capacity at a deeper soil layer in bonding to competent soil or bearing on the helical plates. DPP/MP/HP are often used for underpinning, temporary bracing of historic building walls, and new construction tilt panels. The MP/HP can be installed with low headroom equipment, in tight access areas, and in new construction for foundation bearing and uplift forces. DPP/MP/HP are a versatile, cost effective, foundation pile for supporting foundations, bracing, and retrofit/repair projects.
- DemolitionAs existing conditions were uncovered, Farrell’s engineers were forced to design and redesign deep foundation plans for 4 separate phases. In Phase 1, Farrell successfully installed 24, 14-inch diameter Helical Piles (HP) to depths of 45-55 feet beneath the existing brick façade to strengthen and support the wall’s vertical loads. Phase 2 required 44, 14-inch Drilled Pipe Piles (DPP) beneath the city sidewalk to support the falsework structural steel exoskeleton that would provide temporary lateral support for the brick walls during interior demolition. DPP were placed 4 and 10 feet away from the brick façade and installed to depths of 44-55 feet. In Phase 3, Farrell installed 98, 18-inch Auger Cast Piles (ACP) to depths of 75-feet support for the new hotel foundation while controlling total allowable settlement to less than 1-inch. Finally, in Phase 4, Farrell designed and built cantilever soldier beam and wood lagging shoring for the elevator and fire water tank excavation inside the new hotel.
- ExcavationFarrell specializes in proven, design-build, Ground Improvement Support and Deep Foundation Pile solutions. Farrell also provides design-build excavation support solutions, foundation design peer review, and specialty ground improvement and pile design services. Proven Foundation Solutions include...
- Retaining Walls
- MasonryWe collaborate with you and recommend Ground Improvement or Deep Foundation solutions that are best suited for the given site, soil, groundwater, and proposed structure condition. We possess the experience to be a sounding board and advise you of proven foundation systems for your customer’s end project—whether it be deep, soft, contaminated, heavy loads, existing unreinforced masonry next door, liquefaction, or lateral spread. Our experience is backed up with many years of authored technical papers in the Farrell Library.