- Adoption
- Criminal DefenseIn addition to providing prospective regulatory guidance, Frier Levitt defends civil and criminal investigations and prosecutions at both the federal and state level. Frier Levitt has achieved dozens of successful outcomes for our clients, in both the investigatory and litigation stages, including many complex self-disclosure settlements with the Office of the Inspector General and False Claim Act resolutions. We aggressively defend with the goal of bringing about a favorable “global resolution’ at the earliest stage possible, one that addresses not only the underlying matter but also the potential collateral consequences to a professional license and career. Frier Levitt also manages or conducts corporate internal investigations when such a self-assessment is deemed to be in the best interests of our clients. Frier Levitt’s successful defense efforts have been bolstered by its team approach and the collaboration between its regulatory attorneys and members of its White Collar Criminal Defense and Government Investigations practice.
- FraudAt times, audits can lead to referrals to enforcement agencies for criminal prosecution of healthcare fraud, civil litigation, administrative penalties and possible program exclusion.
- Restraining OrderEnforcement of restrictive covenants against former employees, typically by way of Order to Show Cause to obtain a Temporary Restraining Order, Preliminary Injunction, or Permanent Injunction
- Money LaunderingTelemedicine companies: Representing top executives, in criminal investigations involving healthcare fraud, wire fraud, anti-kickback statute, and money laundering.
- Corporate LawWe also represent numerous clients in intra-corporate disputes, restrictive covenant litigation, False Claims Act investigations, Qui Tam, Self-Disclosure, investigative subpoenas, healthcare fraud investigations and various other high stakes matters. We have handled complex class actions in the healthcare and life sciences spaces, including ones against publicly traded companies. Our trial lawyers frequently consult with both our clinician attorneys and regulatory attorneys in crafting litigation strategies.
- Mergers and AcquisitionsThe landscape of the healthcare industry is rapidly evolving, making the shift towards value-based care, technological innovation, and strategic collaboration more critical than ever. Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) have become vital tools for healthcare providers seeking to adapt and thrive in this dynamic environment.
- Business DisputesHealthcare Data Analytics Companies: Addressing and resolving contract disputes on behalf of highly skilled healthcare data scientists as between payors and providers alike
- Business TransactionsDealing with opposition, non-use and infringement actions, assisting with commercial transactions and providing experienced litigation services
- Trade SecretsInnovation is at the heart of digital health, and protecting intellectual property is essential to maintaining a competitive edge. Our intellectual property team provides comprehensive services, including patent protection for novel technologies, trademark registration, copyrights, licensing agreements, and trade secret protection. We work closely with our clients to develop strategies to safeguard and maximize the value of healthcare technology innovations..
- Intellectual PropertyDigital health encompasses a wide array of technologies aimed at improving health outcomes, enhancing healthcare delivery, and increasing efficiency in the healthcare system. From telehealth platforms and mobile health applications to cutting-edge AI technologies and wearable devices, the digital health sector is transforming patient care, clinical workflows, and health management. However, with this transformation comes a need to address complex legal and regulatory considerations, including compliance with licensing regulations, privacy laws, intellectual property issues, reimbursement models, and more.
- AntitrustRelated to the previous discussion of cartels, the regulations implementing U.S. antitrust law allow for the “whistleblower” in an illegal cartel to obtain full immunity from criminal prosecution. This requires extensive and forthcoming cooperation by the whistleblower (which can be an individual or a corporation or both), who is invariably represented by counsel, vis-à-vis lawyers from the Department of Justice. The DOJ will determine the validity of the statements and the suitability of such an amnesty applicant, and if granted, the whistleblower is protected from criminal liability, serves no prison time and pays no criminal fine. In addition, while the whistleblowing entity still remains liable for damages in privately-brought “follow-on antitrust litigation,” it is protected from the danger of paying treble damages as well as joint-and-several liability, under the statutory ACPERA amendment, which exempts a successful amnesty whistleblower from these burdens – the quintessential “carrot and stick” approach to governmental cartel enforcement, encouraging remorseful cartelists to come forward and report illicit price-fixing arrangements in their industry.
- Workers Compensation
- Wrongful TerminationState court cases in defense of claimed violation of state laws such as Equal Pay Acts, Family Leave Acts, Laws Against Discrimination, state wage and hour laws, state whistleblower laws, and state wrongful termination laws
- Employment DiscriminationCompliance with state and federal laws and regulations including but not limited to: Age Discrimination In Employment Act (ADEA), Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA), Conscientious Employee Protection Act (CEPA), Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), Family Leave Act (FLA), Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA), New Jersey Law Against Discrimination (LAD), Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), New Jersey State Wage and Hour Law (NJSWHL) including overtime restrictions for employees of health care facilities
- Employment ContractFrier Levitt’s healthcare and life sciences practice groups include regulatory and corporate transactional attorneys adept at advising clients with regard to the preparation of corporate documentation, the sale or purchase of regenerative medicine practices, and the preparation of other legal documents such as employment agreements, medical director agreements, governing documents and/or services agreements. We routinely assist clients with the formation of MSOs used to support regenerative medicine practices.
- Sexual HarassmentAvoidance. However, when litigation cannot be avoided, our litigation attorneys prosecute and defend claims with collaboration from our regulatory and transactional departments. For our clients, this means we take a proactive approach to an extensive list of issues affecting their business. For example, we ensure employee handbooks and policies are up to date, negotiate physician and employee agreements, and provide on-site and virtual training in hot topics in employment law, such as sexual harassment, discrimination, and workplace violence discussions. In addition, Frier Levitt may assist with...
- Medical Malpractice
- Tax LawIn the complex world of healthcare M&A, a multi-disciplinary approach is often required for success. Our team integrates expertise in regulatory compliance, transactional law, and tax planning to offer a truly comprehensive service. This cross-functional approach allows us to address the unique challenges of each transaction from multiple angles, ensuring a more robust and effective strategy.