- Arthritis
- Medical Weight LossLiposuction, a very common procedure for both women and men, is the surgical vacuuming of fat from beneath the surface of the skin. It is used to reduce fullness in any area of the body. It is an excellent method of spot reduction but is not an effective method of weight loss. Very small incisions are made in the skin at strageic areas to insert instruments that will remove fat.
- Pregnancy
- EndoscopyFor some patients, particulary those individuals who are bald, or have thin hair, endoscopy may be used to perform a brow lift, minimizing scar lines.
- Diabetes Care
- ThyroidA properly performed blepharoplasty procedure will brighten the face and restore a more youthful appearance. In some patients, the procedure will improve vision by removing the excessive skin of the upper eyelids which can hang down and interfere with peripheral vision. The best patients for eyelid surgery are those who are healthy, psychologically stable and well-motivated. Some medical conditions may increase the risk of blepharoplasty surgery such as thyroid disease, high blood pressure, and patients who do not make sufficient tears to keep their eyes well lubricated. Dr. Monteiro will discuss your particular needs with you in detail, and he will customize your eyelid lift to your specific needs and desired outcome. Cosmetic eyelid surgery is often performed in conjunction with facelift, or brow and forehead lift surgery.
- UltrasoundWhile there is no evidence that breast implants cause breast cancer, they may change the way mammography is done to detect cancer. When you request a routine mammogram, be sure to go to a radiology center where technicians are experienced in the special techniques required to get a reliable x-ray of a breast with an implant. Additional views will be required. Ultrasound examinations may be of benefit in some women with implants to detect breast lumps or to evaluate the implant.
- Radiology
- X-Rays
- Mammography
- ChemotherapyReconstruction has no known effect on the recurrence of disease in the breast, nor does it generally interfere with chemotherapy or radiation treatment, should cancer recur.
- Radiation TherapyMost mastectomy patients are medically appropriate for reconstruction. Often the first stage of your breast reconstruction can be performed at the same time that the breast is removed. The best candidates for immediate reconstruction, however, are women whose cancer, as far as can be determined, seems to have been eliminated by mastectomy. Still, there are some legitimate reasons to wait, and have reconstruction performed in a delayed fashion. Many women aren’t comfortable weighing all the options while they’re struggling to cope with a diagnosis of cancer. Others simply don’t want to have any more surgery than is absolutely necessary. Some patients may be advised by their surgeons to wait, particularly if the cancer is more advanced and Radiation Therapy and Chemotherapy are planned
- General Surgery
- Wound CareWilliam C. Dilks, CRNP is a Nurse Practioner at Plastic Surgery Specialists. Mr. Dilks primarily focuses on wound care, skin lesions, and assists in the pre and post operative management of other plastic surgery patients. He performs skin biopsies, laser destruction, and minor excisions of skin lesions. He is also experienced in advanced wound care techniques including vacuum assisted wound closure (wound VAC), specialized wound dressings, and biologically engineered skin substitutes.
- Ear SurgeryWhen ear surgery is performed by a qualified, experienced surgeon, complications are infrequent and usually minor. Nevertheless, as with any operation, there are risks associated with surgery and specific complications associated with this procedure. A small percentage of patients may develop a blood clot on the ear. It may dissolve naturally or can be drawn out with a needle. Occasionally, patients develop an infection in the cartilage, which can cause scar tissue to form. Such infections are usually treated with antibiotics; rarely, surgery may be required to drain the infected area.
- Reconstructive SurgeryTypically any woman who must lose her breast to cancer can have it rebuilt through reconstructive surgery. As with any type of surgery, breast reconstruction has certain risks and complications, such as bleeding, fluid collection, excessive scar tissue, or difficulties with anesthesia, can occur although they’re relatively uncommon. And, as with any surgery, smokers are at increased risk of wound problems and delayed healing, possibly resulting in conspicuous scars and prolonged recovery. Occasionally, these complications are severe enough to require a second operation. If an implant is used, there is a remote possibility that an infection will develop, usually within the first two weeks following surgery. In some of these cases, the implant may need to be removed for several months until the infection clears. A new implant can later be inserted, or Dr. Monteiro may suggest a method that does not utilize an implant.
- BotoxEach patient’s genetics and lifestyle will influence longevity of results, be it Botox, fillers, light or laser treatments. Smoking and unprotected sun exposure will cause skin to age more quickly, while a healthy lifestyle will enhance what we can do in the office. Additional treatments are sometimes recommended to maximize or maintain desired results. Our products and treatments work synergistically, and a more beautiful result is possible when used in combination. We can tailor a package to fit your needs, within your budget, whether for a special event or total lifestyle change.
- Brow LiftIn a brow lift, the muscles and tissues that cause the furrowing or drooping are removed or altered to smooth the forehead, raise the eyebrows and minimize frown lines. Your surgeon may use the conventional surgical method, in which the incision is hidden just behind the hairline; or it may be performed with the use of an endoscope, a viewing instrument that allows the procedure to be performed with minimal incisions. Both techniques have similar goals — smoother forehead skin and a more youthful appearance. Dr. Monteiro will suggest the best method in your particular case.
- Eyelid SurgeryEyelid surgery is usually performed using local anesthesia and light intravenous sedation. It is commonly done in the doctor’s office, outpatient surgical center or, in some cases, in a hospital. The procedure is most often performed on an outpatient basis.
- LiposuctionGenerally people who have localized areas of protruding fat achieve the most dramatic results. Patients who are slightly overweight can benefit from liposuction. It is best to be at or near your normal weight. Good skin elasticity permits the skin to shrink easily to the reduced contour. There are no absolute age limits for liposuction.
- Breast AugmentationBy inserting an implant behind each breast, surgeons are able to increase a woman’s bustline by one or more bra cup sizes. If you’re considering breast augmentation, this will give you a basic understanding of the procedure – when it can help, how it’s performed, and what results you can expect. It can’t answer all of your questions, since a lot depends on your individual circumstances.
- Breast ReductionBreast reduction, technically known as reduction mammaplasty, is designed for such women. The procedure removes fat, glandular tissue, and skin from the breasts, making them smaller, lighter, and firmer. It can also reduce the size of the areola, the darker skin surrounding the nipple. The goal is to give the woman smaller, better-shaped breasts in proportion with the rest of her body.
- Breast LiftIn your initial consultation, Dr. Monteiro will evaluate your health and explain which surgical techniques are most appropriate for you, based on the condition of your breasts and skin tone. If your breasts are sagging, your doctor may also recommend a breast lift. Be sure to discuss your expectations frankly. The doctor will be equally frank with you, describing your alternatives and the risks and limitations of each. You may want to ask for a copy of the manufacturer’s insert that comes with the implant he will use – just so you are fully informed about it. And, be sure to let Dr. Monteiro if you smoke and if you’re taking any medications, vitamins, or other drugs.
- RhinoplastyNasal surgery – also known as a rhinoplasty or a ‘nose job’ – is a procedure used to change the shape, form and sometimes function of the nose. It has gradually grown in popularity over the past few decades. Many people pursue nasal surgery in an effort to define or minimize certain characteristics, such as the nasal tip, the width of the bridge, nasal asymmetry, or visible humps and depressions. Most often, these traits are a result of genetics. However, some individuals require nasal surgery to correct misshapen noses caused by an injury. Additionally, some rhinoplasty patients require procedures to correct structural abnormalities that may be an obstruction to breathing.
- Breast ReconstructionBreast Reconstruction is performed using a variety of methods to recreate a breast mound and nipple-areolar complex. The most common type of procedure performed utilizes an implant to replace the volume of the breast and create a new mound. Other techniques involve using tissue transplanted from the abdomen or back. Frequently, reconstruction can be initiated immediately following breast removal (mastectomy), sparing the patient a seperate operation and recovery. But bear in mind, post-mastectomy breast reconstruction is often more than one stage. There are often many options to consider as you and Dr. Monteiro explore what’s best for you.
- Plastic SurgeryMeet our talented staff – who work with our patients to make their experience at Plastic Surgery Specialists a pleasant one; an experience that results in your individualized care.
- Thigh LiftIt’s not unusual for people to develop sagging skin on their thigh as they age. While this might be a normal part of aging, it’s also not unusual for people to want to invest in a thigh lift procedure to correct the cosmetic issues. During the procedure, the excess skin is taken off, and the skin that remains is tightened and raised to correct the appearance of the thigh. Most commonly, the procedure is performed on the inner thigh. Many people have questions regarding this thigh lift procedure, and many of the answers to some common questions are below.
- Face LiftBecause your face is one-of-a-kind, your facelift procedure needs to be fully customized to address your unique needs. Dr. Monteiro will create an individualized approach to correct the effects of aging on your face. His techniques can refresh your look and soften wrinkles without appearing tight or unnatural.
- Neck LiftIf there is excess fat in the area under the chin and the skin is taut, liposuction alone can produce a more sculpted, angular, and youthful jaw line. If, however, the skin of the neck is loose, hanging, or crepey, even if there is excess fat, liposuction alone will not produce the desired result. Patients with loose skin usually require a face and neck lift in addition to or instead of liposuction. In general, most patients who benefit from liposuction of the neck are under 40. Most patients over 40 will require some surgical skin tightening.
- BlepharoplastyA properly performed blepharoplasty procedure will brighten the face and restore a more youthful appearance. In some patients the procedure will improve vision by removing the excessive skin of the upper eyelids which can hang down and interfere with peripheral vision.
- AbdominoplastyAbdominoplasty, known more commonly as a “tummy tuck,” is a major sugical procedure to remove excess skin and fat from the middle and lower abdomen and to tighten the muscles of the abdominal wall. The procedure can dramatically reduce the appearance of a protruding abdomen. But bear in mind, it does produce a permanent scar, which, depending on the extent of the original problem and the surgery required to correct it, can extend from hip to hip.
- Nose SurgeryThat unlike most other types of cosmetic procedures, the results of a nose surgery can take as long as a year or more to become fully refined? Immediately following the procedure, patients experience swelling that lasts several months. Even after swelling subsides, the cartilage will continue to evolve and take on a more permanent shape over time.
- Breast Surgery
- OtoplastyDr. Monteiro usually performes otoplasty as an outpatient procedure in a hospital, his office-based surgical facility, or a freestanding surgery center. Occasionally, the doctor may recommend that the procedure be done as an inpatient procedure, in which case you can plan on staying overnight in the hospital.
- Scar RevisionThis is a common question and the answer is that all scars are candidates for potential scar revision. Types of scars include childhood scars from injuries on the playground, scars left in traumatic accidents, and even scars that result from surgical procedures. While scars might vary in their length or texture, every scar is a candidate for revision. With this in mind, this doesn’t guarantee that the results of every revision surgery will be fully restored to its native state and every potential surgery is handled on a case by case basis.
- Body ContouringThousands of abdominoplasties are performed successfully each year. When done by a qualified plastic surgeon who is trained in body contouring, the results are generally quite positive. Nevertheless, there are always risks associated with surgery and specific complications associated with this procedure. Post-operative complications such as infection and blood clots are rare, but can occur. Infection can be treated with drainage and antibiotics, but may prolong your recovery. You can minimize the risk of blood clots by moving around as soon after the surgery as possible.
- Laser ResurfacingDeep laser resurfacing with a superpulsed CO2 laser can be performed on the entire face or just specific areas to treat deeper lines, surface irregularities, and discolored skin. The recovery time is considerably longer than with fractional resurfacing, but sometimes this may be the best option for select patients. Treated areas will appear like a superficial burn for 1 to 2 weeks, and the newly healed skin can then remain shiny and pink for several months
- Gynecomastia
- Cosmetic SurgeryThe number of women looking for a mommy makeover has increased dramatically. Clearly, the attitude towards cosmetic surgery has changed for women everywhere, and this is reflected by a rise in the number of operations that women had performed.
- DermabrasionDermabrasion and dermaplaning help to “refinish” the skin’s top layers through a method of controlled surgical scraping. The treatments soften the sharp edges of surface irregularities, giving the skin a smoother appearance. Dermabrasion and dermaplaning left scarred by accidents or previous surgery, or to smooth out fine facial wrinkles, such as those around the mouth. It’s also sometimes used to remove the pre-cancerous growths called keratoses. Dermaplaning is commonly used to treat deep acne scars.
- Forehead LiftA forehead lift or “browlift” is a procedure that restores a more youthful, refreshed look to the area above the eyes. The procedure corrects drooping brows and improves the horizontal lines and furrows that can make a person appear angry, sad or tired.
- Skin CancerMany people develop skin cancer in their lifetimes. It is by far the most curable form of cancer though early detection is important for a positive outcome. Skin cancers often vary in appearance from person to person, making them difficult to identify to the untrained eye.
- Acne TreatmentYou may be a candidate for professional acne treatment if you are bothered by skin blemishes, pimples, cysts or nodules that do not respond to over-the-counter acne treatments. The first step is a consultation with one of our providers, who may recommend in-office treatments, cosmeceutical products and/or prescription medications that can yield significant results in as little as a few weeks.
- Cyst
- LesionsDo you have a mole or lesion you dislike? A spot that has changed or is concerning? Lumps or bumps? At Plastic Surgery Specialists, we can examine your skin from head to toe. We perform biopsy of lesions that appear suspicious, along with excision and treatment of skin cancers. We can also remove lesions and moles for cosmetic purposes, on the face or body. As specialists in scar care, we can advise on the risks and benefits of lesion removal in a particular area. As always, the health and safety of our patients is paramount, keeping appearance of the final result in mind.
- Chemical PeelsA chemical peel is most commonly performed for cosmetic reasons: To enhance your appearance and your self-confidence. A chemical peel may also remove pre-cancerous skin growths, soften acne facial scars and even control acne.
- Rashes
- Skin CareIt is important that you not be actively tanned prior, or have significant sun exposure after the treatments. We will recommend a custom skin care program to achieve maximum benefit. Although face and neck are most commonly treated, improvement can also be achieved on the chest, hands, arms and other areas.