- Money Market FundsAll investing involves risk. You could lose money by investing in a money market fund. An investment in a money market fund is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. Money market funds are not subject to credit risk, but will have interest rate risk. Institutional money market funds may have floating net asset values, and will fluctuate depending on market conditions. The Fund’s sponsor has no legal obligation to provide financial support to a money market portfolio, and you should not expect that the sponsor will provide financial support to the money market portfolio at any time.THIS MATERIAL DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN OFFER OR SOLICITATION IN ANY JURISDICTION WHERE OR TO ANY PERSON TO WHOM IT WOULD BE UNAUTHORIZED OR UNLAWFUL TO DO SO.Prospective investors should inform themselves as to any applicable legal requirements and taxation and exchange control regulations in the countries of their citizenship, residence or domicile which might be relevant.
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- Asset ManagementPlease note that neither Goldman Sachs Asset Management (Hong Kong) Limited nor any other entities involved in the Goldman Sachs Asset Management (GSAM) business maintain any licenses, authorisations or registrations in the People’s Republic of China (“PRC”) nor are any of the GSAM funds registered in the PRC.This material has not been delivered for registration to the Registrar of Companies in Hong Kong nor has its content been reviewed by any regulatory authority in Hong Kong. Accordingly, unless permitted by the securities laws of Hong Kong, (i) no person may issue or cause to be issued this material in Hong Kong, other than to persons who are “professional investors” within the meaning of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap. 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong) and any rules made thereunder or in circumstances which do not constitute an offer or sale of shares in the fund(s) mentioned to the public in Hong Kong for the purposes of the prospectus requirements of the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 32 of the Laws of Hong Kong); and (ii) no person may issue or have in its possession for the purposes of issue, this material, or any advertisement, invitation or document relating to the shares in the fund(s) mentioned, whether in Hong Kong or elsewhere, which is directed at, or the contents of which are likely to be accessed by, the public in Hong Kong, other than with respect to the shares in the fund(s) mentioned which are intended to be disposed of only to persons outside Hong Kong or only to “professional investors” within the meaning of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap. 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong) and any rules made thereunder.This document has not been registered as a prospectus with the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Accordingly, this document and any other document or material in connection with the offer or sale, or invitation for subscription or purchase, of shares may not be circulated or distributed, nor may shares be offered or sold, or be made the subject of an invitation for subscription or purchase, whether directly or indirectly, to the public or any member of the public in Singapore other than (i) to an institutional investor specified in section 304 of the Securities and Futures Act, Chapter 289 of Singapore (“SFA”) or (ii) otherwise pursuant to, and in accordance with the conditions of, any other applicable provision of the SFA.This material has been issued or approved for use in or from Hong Kong by Goldman Sachs Asset Management (Hong Kong) Limited. This material has been issued or approved for use in or from Singapore by Goldman Sachs Asset Management (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. (Company Number: 201329851H). Confidentiality