- Residential Pest ControlWidow Pest Control understands the importance of your comfort and confidence when it comes to maintaining a safe, pest free environment for your family home, yard, and surrounding structures... Both interior and exterior treatments are included!
- Commercial Pest ControlWe understand that a pest-free environment is essential to your company's reputation, no matter what business you're in. Our commercial pest control services protect your property, employees, and customers from year-round pests such as roaches, rodents, flies, and seasonal pests.
- AntsIt is important to understand a little about ant biology in order to control ants successfully. Ants are social insects, which means they live in groups of numerous individuals called colonies. One individual, called queen, produces all the eggs. She stays deep within the nest where she is protected. The ants you usually see are the workers. Their main job is to gather food and take care of young ants. When you smash a few of the worker ants, you may actually be doing very little to control the colony as a whole. It is likely there is a fresh supply back in the nest, and the queen will produce more.
- SpidersWhile it is easy to tell a black widow spider from other spiders, people who are bitten by a black widow usually don't look first -- they stick their hands somewhere where it is dark and cool and get a surprise. Be careful not to disturb this venomous spider, contact Widow Pest Control for expert removal and prevention!
- CockroachesOf the approximately 50 cockroach species that occur in the U.S., the German and American cockroaches are two of the most common species that infest homes, restaurants, hotels and other establishments.
- BeesWidow Pest Control has years of expertise handling the removal of Bees and Bee Hives! Our Bee services include professional removal or extermination and follow-up and no extra charge. Our belief is that once the initial problem is resolved, we take pride in providing continued customer service to make sure there isn't any future recurrences.
- WaspsWidow Pest Control provides both Bee and Wasp Extermination Services - We also offer Bee Hive and Wasp Nest removal.
- TicksTicks vary in color by species. Adult ticks are smaller than a sunflower seed (1/8- to 5/8-inch long if engorged with blood), while nymphal (or immature) ticks are less than 1/16-inch. Common problem ticks include the American dog tick, deer or black legged tick and lone star tick.
- CricketsCrickets belong to the order Orthoptera along with grasshoppers and katydids and belong to their own family, Gryllidae. While most orthopterans are plant eaters, these crickets are omnivores (as you will not doubt figure out observationally!). Crickets are known for their song, produced exclusively by the male using a file and scraper structure on his forewings. You can recognize the adult male by this structure which appears as crinkles in his wings. Males sing to attract females and to defend territory. Interestingly, crickets have ears in their legs. Adult females have a distinct dark ovipositor that they stick into damp sand when they are ready to lay eggs. Juveniles are smaller and have short wing buds rather than complete wings.
- FliesRid your home or business of those pesty fly and spider invasions. Ask us about our preventative treatment plans.
- ScorpionsTo prevent stinging encounters with scorpions, don’t leave shoes, boots, clothing items, or wet towels outdoors where scorpions can hide. Shake towels around the swimming pool and shake all clothing and shoes before putting them on. Wear gloves when working in the yard. Wear shoes outdoors, especially during the evening hours. A portable black light (UV light) may be used to survey for scorpions in and around the home. Scorpions glow brightly under black light and are therefore easily found and removed.
- YellowjacketsThe most common problem wasp species in Arizona are Paper Wasps, often called Arizona Yellow Jackets. Paper Wasps are societal wasps, which mean they live in large groups, and are a pervasive problem wasp species in Arizona. An established wasp colony or, more commonly, a series of wasp colonies can be very dangerous to humans, domestic pets and livestock. Paper Wasps can sting multiple times and will aggressively defend their nesting areas.
- Birds
- PigeonsWe provide both interior and exterior pest control treatments. We can help make your Home, Farm, Lake Cabin or Business a more comfortable environment - free your family, customers and employee's from those annoying insects, rodents, and even pigeons.
- RodentsWidow Pest Control has over 25 years of experience in all types of insect and rodent control. Our professional services come with a satisfaction guarantee because our goal is provide an affordable solution for your home or business. We strive to provide you with the peace of mind and the confidence that your home or business will be a safe and comfortable environment.
- Mice
- RatsRats are excellent climbers and they usually live in spaces on the tops of buildings, on roofs or in attics, basements and ground floors. They also live in sheds, garages, boxes, ceilings, under flooring, in wood heaps and in thick grass. Mice mainly live in structures. However, they can live outdoors as well. They breed throughout the year and share their nests with their relatives.