- Primary CarePlease allow Doctors Plus Medical Center to provide you the best care possible. To do so we recommend that you contact your insurance provider and choose a Doctors Plus Medical Center Provider as your Primary Care Provider (PCP). You may base your enrollment selection or your pattern of doctor visits. Our providers will be happy to be your PCP and work with you on your health care needs. To view our providers, please visit our website at www.doctorsplusmed.com If further assistance is required, feel free to call members of our patient care team at (954) 442 – 2828.
- Family PracticeDr. Jorge Camilo Mora, MD, MPH is board certified in Family Medicine and has completed a fellowship in Geriatrics at Cleveland Clinic. He obtained his MD degree at the National University of Colombia and his MPH degree at the Harvard School of Public Health. He completed his residency through the Tallahassee Memorial Family Medicine Residency Program. He currently also serves as a founding faculty member of the Florida International University School of Medicine. Dr. Mora has a passion in a comprehensive view of medicine stemmed from Eastern and Western influences.
- Electrocardiogram
- Internal MedicineDr. Meeta Govindarajan, MD is board certified in Internal Medicine and obtained her MD degree at Chennai Medical College in Chennai, India. She completed her residency in New York Methodist Hospital. Dr. Govindarajan approaches medicine with unmitigated compassion.
- Mental HealthFor non-mental health needs, please speak with your Doctors Plus Medical Center primary care provider to be connected to the local health care specialist that best meets your health needs. These professionals will likely be on the list of preferred care partners from the above link.
- Behavioral HealthProvide information about how to receive care across multiple care settings – among specialists, hospitals, rehab centers, behavioral health providers, and other facilities
- Diabetes Care
- Geriatrics