- Osteoporosis
- ArthritisRheumatoid Arthritis: This is an auto-immune disease in which the body's immune system (the body's way of fighting infection) attacks healthy joints, tissues, and organs. Occurring most often in women of childbearing age (15-44), this disease inflames the lining (or synovium) of joints. It can cause pain, stiffness, swelling, and loss of function in joints. When severe, rheumatoid arthritis can deform, or change, a joint. For example, the joints in a person's finger can become deformed, causing the finger to bend or curve.
- RheumatologyRheumatology is a medical specialty that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of over 200 different rheumatic diseases. Rheumatic diseases affect bones, muscles, joints as well as internal organs such as brain, kidneys, lungs and blood vessels at times. These complex rheumatic diseases can be managed only by experts in rheumatology called rheumatologists. Some of the diseases treated by rheumatologists include osteoporosis and certain autoimmune diseases such as lupus, arthritis, musculoskeletal pain, and gout.
- Primary Care
- Emergency CareUsually people with forearm fractures are immediately rushed to the emergency room for treatment. Treatment of forearm fracture aims at putting back the broken bones into position and preventing them from moving out of place until they are completely healed.
- Carpal Tunnel SyndromeAcute or chronic injury: Injuries to the shoulder, knee and wrist joint such as cartilage tears, tendon tears, carpal tunnel syndrome
- Depression
- EndocrinologyEndocrinology is a division of medicine that focuses on the function of hormones and their effects on the body. Hormones are chemical substances released by endocrine glands in the body to regulate various functions of different organs in the body such as metabolism, respiration, reproduction, sensory perception, and movement. It is a way of communication between cells that influences tissue and organ function to respond to different situations and maintain a stable physiology. Hormones influence many physiological activities such as growth, puberty, appetite, sugar regulation and level of alertness. Endocrinology is dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases caused by the imbalance in hormones, such as diabetes, thyroid problems, sexual problems, obesity, bone problems, few neurological problems and cancer.
- UltrasoundStrengthening exercises, scar massage, therapy with ultrasound, heat, and ice are recommended to improve the range of motion. Splints are also used to facilitate stretching of the joint.
- MRIImaging tests such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computerized tomography (CT), using a contrast dye, may be ordered to visualise the nerve damage.
- RadiologyRadiology Images, including MRI, CT, etc. please bring the disk from the facility where you had your test completed, also bring the reports or readings too.
- X-Rays
- Computed TomographyThe evaluation of the calcaneal fracture is done by imaging i.e., X-ray and CT scan. Based on the severity of the fracture, the doctor recommends the plan of treatment.
- OrthopedicsReconstructive Trauma is the area of Orthopedics that deals with the treatment of fractures and dislocations. Patients with acute fractures as well as those with unfortunate complications of their injury can be helped with a wide variety of treatment strategies. Â Problems often include: Complex Fractures, Fracture Nonunions, Infected Nonunions, Bone Infections, Periprosthetic Fractures/Non Unions, and Deformities.
- ArthroscopyArthroscopy is a surgical procedure during which the internal structure of a joint is examined for diagnosis and treatment of problems inside the joint. In arthroscopic examination, a small incision is made in the patient’s skin through which pencil-sized instruments that have a small lens and lighting system (arthroscope) are passed. Arthroscope magnifies and illuminates the structures of the joint with the light that is transmitted through fiber optics. It is attached to a television camera and the interior of the joint is seen on the television monitor.
- Ankle SurgeryAfter ankle surgery, you will be instructed to avoid putting weight on the ankle by using crutches while walking for at least six weeks.
- Joint ReplacementWhen only some of the joint is damaged, a surgeon may be able to repair or replace just the damaged parts. When the entire joint is damaged, a total joint replacement is done. To replace a total hip or knee joint, a surgeon removes the diseased or damaged parts and inserts artificial parts, called prostheses or implants.
- Hand Surgery
- Orthopedic SurgeryFondren Orthopedic Group is nationally recognized as one of the largest and most comprehensive associations of private orthopedic surgery practitioners within Houston and the surrounding areas. With over forty surgeons practicing in ten sub-specialties, we are well-equipped and eager to address your particular medical needs. In determining the best physician for you, we invite you to explore our website for physician information, educational resources, and location information. Additionally, please feel free to contact us with your questions and concerns. Our staff would be happy to assist you with addressing any of your needs from scheduling an appointment, to matching you with the best provider for your care.
- NeurosurgeryNerve graft surgery involves replacing the damaged section of the nerve with a nerve section removed from another part of the body.
- ArthroscopySynovectomy: This surgery is usually indicated for early cases of inflammatory arthritis where there is significant swelling (synovitis) that is causing pain or is limiting the range of motion. Synovectomy is a surgical removal of the inflamed synovium (tissue lining the joint). The procedure may be performed using arthroscopy.
- Hip ReplacementKnee Replacement, Partial Knee Replacement, Hip Replacement, Hip Resurfacing, Failed Knee and Hip Replacement, Outpatient Accelerated Recovery Joint Replacement, Arthritis
- Knee ReplacementFemur fractures may be caused by high energy injuries such as a fall from height or a motor vehicle accident. Patients with osteoporosis, bone tumor or infections, or a history of knee replacement are more prone to femur fractures. In the elderly, even a simple fall from a standing position may result in a fracture as the bones tend to become weak and fragile with advancing age.
- Knee Arthroscopy
- Rashes
- PsoriasisPsoriatic arthritis: This form of Arthritis occurs in some persons with psoriasis, a scaling skin disorder, affecting the joints at the ends of the fingers and toes. It can also cause changes in the fingernails and toenails. Back pain may occur if the spine is involved.
- Sports MedicineFondren Orthopedic Group specialists are honored to provide orthopedic and sports medicine care as team doctors for Texas Southern University's athletes. Fondren Orthopedic Group specialists are nationally-recognized for their outstanding quality care.
- Physical TherapyInterventional Spine Care may include medications, interventional procedures, alternative therapies such as acupuncture, and physical therapy and/or psychological counseling that help you cope with the pain.
- Occupational TherapyThe non-surgical treatment options include rest, medications including analgesics and antibiotics, injections, and physical/occupational therapy.
- Frozen Shoulder
- Shoulder Pain
- Flatfoot Correction
- Ankle SprainAnkle injuries are very common in athletes and in people performing physical work, often resulting in severe pain and impaired mobility. Pain after ankle injuries can either be from a torn ligament and is called ankle sprain or from a broken bone which is called ankle fracture. Ankle fracture is a painful condition where there is a break in one or more bones forming the ankle joint. The ankle joint is stabilized by different ligaments and other soft tissues, which may also be injured during an ankle fracture.
- Back Pain
- Orthotics and Prosthetic Therapy
- Achilles TendonitisTo help prevent an Achilles tendon injury, it is a good practice to perform stretching and warm-up exercises before participating in any exercises or sports activities. Gradually increase the intensity and length of time of activity. Muscle conditioning may help to strengthen the muscles in the body.
- Ankle SprainImmediately following an ankle injury and prior to seeing a doctor, you should apply ice packs and keep the foot elevated to minimize pain and swelling.
- Flat Feet
- Podiatric Surgery