- The Ftd Bright Sparkt Rose Bouquet$64.99this spirited bouquet holds roses in bold hues - hot pink, orange, red and bright yellow. certain to be an attention-getter! these vivacious roses are arranged with seeded eucalyptus in a clear glass vase.
- The Ftd Bright Autumnt Centerpiece$49.99the ftd bright autumnt centerpiece spins the magic of the fall season with each sun-kissed petal to set your gathering space aglow with blooming beauty. two taper candles are surrounded by a gorgeous arrangement consisting of orange asiatic lilies, gerbera daisies, and roses with golden peruvian lilies, burgundy cushion poms and assorted greens to create the perfect addition to your autumn celebration.
- The Ftd Stunning Beautyt Bouquet$62.99this elegant vased arrangement will catch their eye with its array of red roses, pink lilies, purple irises, purple aster and more.
- The Ftd Glowing Elegancet Centerpiece$49.99
- The Ftd White Rose Bouquet$74.99
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