- Criminal DefenseVehicle Code §23152 (commonly known as DUI) was amended earlier this year. The big difference was that under the old code, section (a), a defendant was charged as being under the influence of any drug or alcohol, or a combination thereof. Thus, criminal defense attorneys had to make sure to cross out any reference of...
- DUI/DWIHaving a DUI can be a huge problem for DACA (“Deferred Action”/”Dream Act”) recipients and applicants. There are many other offenses that will count as a criminal bar for DACA (meaning you will not be eligible for DACA), but here I will only talk about DUI’s. Among a host of strict requirements for DACA (see my...
- Traffic ViolationsAs an immigration and traffic law attorney, the one thing I see repeatedly is driving without a license, VC § 12500. It is not uncommon to see a slew of tickets that start with speeding, or some other violation, and then has a driving without a license tacked on to it. This charge is pretty...
- MisdemeanorsA third DUI (VC § 23152) after two other DUI convictions (whether misdemeanor DUI, felony DUI, or plea of wet reckless VC § 23105.5) within 10 years will result in an exponentially harsher sentence. Check First Offense DUI and Second Offense DUI for background information. Even with probation granted for a third offense, the court can order jail sentence. DUI...
- Family Immigration
- Employment ImmigrationAs with almost any area of law, employment-based immigration is a very complicated area. So I will only generally summarize this area. Note, this post does not discuss non-immigrant visas (for temporary work or training). For those who qualify, an employment-based immigration might be the way to a green card. For this and other reasons, I...
- Green Cards
- Family VisasU.S. citizens and permanent residents helping their family members immigrate to the U.S. has to, generally, go through two hoops. The first part is to get a family visa petition approved. This is the “Petition for Alien Relative”. Two things that needs to be proven are 1) that the U.S. citizen or permanent resident actually...