- Divorce
- Child Custody and VisitationTricia regularly partners with a client’s divorce lawyer to ensure that child-custody rights are not negatively impacted by criminal allegations.
- Criminal DefenseIn 1996, Robb Edmonds was in private practice doing criminal defense. Tom Bath was working at Bryan Cave law firm. Tom, who was doing extensive white-collar defense wanted a change...
- DUI/DWI“Thomas Bath as criminal specialist Bath & Edmonds, PA comes highly recommended as a criminal litigation expert. He handles cases that are as diverse as crime itself, including, for example DUI, capital murder and bank fraud. Interestingly, some of his recent work has involved fraud in an educational context, cracking down on the obtainment of study grants under false pretenses.”
- Traffic ViolationsFor those clients who come to Bath & Edmonds after charging, our attorneys listen to the facts and work tirelessly to achieve the best solution possible. If that cannot be achieved short of trial, we go to trial. Not all lawyers can say that. Because we’ve been to trial, we are prepared for the many things that can happen in a trial. We know the procedure. We are prepared for the increasing presence of “CSI” evidence in trials. We know the science. And we file motions and make argument to make sure the trial is fair. We know the law. We put all of this to work to give our clients the best possible chance at success. We handle everything from speeding tickets to death penalty cases to complex white-collar and RICO cases to homicide and sexual assault cases and we appeal if necessary to protect our clients’ rights.
- Sex Crimes“Of course, we handle the ‘big’ cases too, cases that are life-changing. Those are the kind of cases where we often bring in multiple members of the team. For instance, Tom and I have tried numerous homicides and sexual assault case together. We generally divide up tasks, particularly in cases where there is a lot of forensic science. For example, I’ll take DNA and fingerprints and he’ll take blood spatter and computer forensics. I regularly cross-examine the alleged victim and the medical personnel on sexual assault cases.”
- FraudTom’s practice is divided between Federal and State allegations. His white-collar practice includes representation of individuals and corporations on complex matters ranging from health care, tax and bank fraud to allegations brought by nearly every federal regulatory agency, including the Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Internal Revenue Service and Department of Labor. Tom has also represented individuals in Federal court on matters including public corruption, bribery, bank robbery, narcotics distribution, RICO and prescription fraud. Tom’s state practice includes every type of allegation, including embezzlement, securities fraud, narcotics, vehicular homicide, DUI, robbery, sexual assault and murder, including capital murder.
- Robbery
- White Collar CrimesVanessa prosecuted a wide range of cases, while specializing in white collar crime. In 2010, she was honored by the Missouri/Kansas chapter of the International Association of Financial Crime Investigators with their Prosecutor of the Year award.
- MisdemeanorsFor Mark, every case – from the client charged with a first-time minor misdemeanor all the way to the client whose entire life hangs in the balance – represents an opportunity to push back against baked-in inequities that plague the criminal legal system. And when it’s your future on the line, Mark treats the situation with the urgency that moment deserves.
- Embezzlement
- Drug CrimesUpon returning to his home of Johnson County, Robb was hired in 1989 by the Johnson County District Attorney. Robb worked 3 years in the District Attorney’s office, primarily prosecuting felony drug cases. Necessarily, by the nature of drug cases, Robb was involved in multiple cases litigating Fourth Amendment and Fifth Amendment issues, both at a trial and appellate level. In 1992, Robb left the DA’s office to go to work with Carl Cornwell, practicing as Cornwell and Edmonds for 5 years.
- AssaultCounty: Crawford Charge: 4 Counts Aggravated Assault With a Firearm Outcome: Acquittal Attorneys: Mark Hartman and Tom Bath Read More »
- MurderAt my trial, both Tricia and Tom knew more, researched more, and prepared more than the prosecution. TNT (Tom ‘n Tricia) were explosive, as my nickname implies, and won my case. Hiring Tom and Tricia Bath for my legal defense ensured my acquittals for a double-murder charge. The best decision I have ever made – hands down.”
- HomicideOver the last 20 plus years, Robb has represented literally thousands of persons, in all types of courts and in all types of criminal proceedings, from the most simple bench trial to the most complicated jury trial of a homicide or drug distribution conspiracy. To whatever the charge, Robb brings the same level of zeal and competence to his client’s defense.
- Work Visas“Dealing with collateral consequences of a criminal charge is a part of our practice where I think being part of an experienced team is really important. If I have a client who is, just for example, a firefighter or law enforcement, he or she might be looking at a work-related investigation or an airline pilot charged with a substance abuse violation might look to us to know how this will impact his or her ability to maintain a job, or a doctor here on a work visa might want to know the immigration consequences of a charge. When those situations come up, I can go to my partners and be almost certain that in so many years of practicing criminal law, one of us has encountered a similar situation and knows what to do or is connected to an immigration lawyer or a lawyer who handles cases before the Board of Healing Arts or whatever the case may be.”