- Commercial Pest ControlTruly Nolen is the largest family owned pest control company in the world! We have a tremendous network of service partners that we work with to make sure that all of your locations, from coast to coast, receive the kind of pest protection your business can be proud of. As one of the fastest growing commercial pest control companies in the world, operating across the United States and in 63 countries, you can be sure that we have you covered.
- AntsThere are more than 10,000 ant species that occur worldwide however only about 25 species commonly infest homes. Ants will eat practically any kind of food, but are especially attracted to sweets. Ants can live from several weeks to several years. Depending on the species, ants can range in size from 1/12 to 1 inch (2 to 25mm)
- SpidersSpecies: Spiders are members of a large category of animals called Arthropods or more specifically the Arachnidan class. There are over 3,800 known species of Spiders found in North America today.
- TermitesTermites are a common problem for many homeowners, and one of the most alarming signs of a termite infestation is a termite swarm. During a termite swarm, winged termites, also known as alates, take flight from their colony in search of a new location to start a new colony.
- Bed BugsBed bugs are parasites that are commonly found in sleeping areas of homes and hotels. They feed off of humans at night. During the day they live near the sleeping locations of their hosts. Beg bugs were virtually eliminated before 1995, but have since reemerged with the increase in world travel.
- FleasAn adult flea is a small reddish-brown bug that is laterally compressed. This means that the bug is not very wide in order for it to move more easily between the hairs of animals. Fleas also have small spines on their body's that prevent them from being brushed off of the host. Additionally, a flea has a hard, outer body that prevents it from being smashed. Because of these adaptations, it can be difficult to kill them.
- CockroachesAppearance: They have six spiny legs and two long antennae. Some species have wings however most winged cockroaches are not particularly adept at flying.
- SilverfishName: Its name derives from the animal’s silvery light gray and blue color, combined with the fish-like appearance of its movements. Its scientific name (Lepisma saccharina) indicates the silverfish’s diet of sugar and starches.
- BeesLocation: With the exception of Antarctica, bees are found throughout the world, in every habitat on the planet that contains insect-pollinated flowering plants
- WaspsColor: Wasps can vary in color from the more familiar yellow to brown, blue and even a bright red.
- TicksLocation: Ticks are pests that many pet owners are familiar with because they are the most common pests of domesticated dogs in the southern U.S
- CricketsCrickets are an occasional home invader and common denizen of the landscape. Crickets are commonly encountered in yards, basements and barns. Eggs hatch in late spring or early summer – those nymphs grow into adults in about 45 days. The males of these newly adult crickets will begin singing to attract females at this time and continue throughout the summer.
- EarwigsOut of the many different insect orders, earwigs are considered to be part of the smaller orders. Most people recognize earwigs by their forceps pincers or cerci, which are connected to the earwig's abdomen. However, not all earwigs have the iconic pincers, and although they have wings, earwigs rarely fly.
- MosquitoesThis four-step control program focuses on a 100-foot radius from the "bite site," searching for conditions conducive to mosquito breeding. It is designed to control mosquitoes from the larval through adult stages. Truly Nolen's goal is to reduce the customer's mosquito population by 75%.
- FliesThis eleven step monthly program is designed to control house and drain flies from the larval through adult stages.
- CentipedesMost people use the word "bug" when talking about insects like beetles, bees, and butterflies, and other small, many-legged creatures that crawl, jump, or fly, such as spiders and centipedes. Although for scientists, the word "bug" does correspond with a very specific group of insects – and not all insects are bugs. Of the millions of insect species on earth, only about 50,000 are true bugs. In the scientific world, a "true bug" is classified as an insect species that belongs to the order Hemiptera, including bed bugs, fire bugs, and some water bugs. Insects in this order are different from insect in other orders, such as those for ants and bees (Hymenoptera), butterflies and moths (Lepidoptera), or flies and mosquitoes (Diptera).
- MillipedesMillipedes are a group of arthropods that are characterized by having two pairs of jointed legs on each segment and they can have multiple body segments. Although the name “Millipede” is derived from the Latin word for “thousand feet,” no known species has 1,000 legs; the record of 750 legs belongs to the species Illacme plenipes. There are approximately 12,000 named species of millipedes around the world.
- BeetlesWeevils resemble beetles except that they have long “snouts,” making them easily identifiable. They are found throughout the world in whole grain-type foods, rice, nuts, corn, beans, etc. Because the young develop rather slowly inside the product, it can be very easy to bring them home in a product and not notice the emerging adults until months later.
- ScorpionsColor: Generally, scorpions are tan in color but can vary widely as some species are yellow, blue, black or red.
- HornetsDifferent bee and wasp species have different nesting behaviors so it is important to have a positive identification before beginning treatment. Yellow jackets, hornets and paper wasps make nests of paper. Honey bees and bumblebees make nests of wax. Solitary bees and wasps nest in holes in the ground, rotten wood or natural cavities. Some wasps even make mud nests.
- Yellowjackets
- MothsMoths are related to butterflies, but are often overlooked and misunderstood compared to their flashy and beloved butterfly counterparts.
- Stink BugsThe boxelder bug and the stink bug are two easily confused insects, which can be seen congregating in and around homes, especially populating the Charlotte, NC area.
- Pantry PestsThis season, before you gear up for Thanksgiving preparations, think about safeguarding your home from pantry pests that could potentially turn your Thanksgiving feast into a Thanksgiving fiasco.
- Stinging Insects
- MitesWith millions of people suffering from allergy symptoms, roach allergies are not often top of mind when compared to the more common triggers such as dust mites or pollen. A stubborn indoor allergen (a substance that causes an allergic reaction), roaches are difficult to get rid of entirely, even in the cleanliest home. Not just a residential problem, roaches can find their way into offices, restaurants, and in some of the more dangerous cases, schools. If left untreated, they can cause long term health problems and exacerbate already existing conditions such as asthma, the third leading cause of hospitalization among children under the age of 15. Although emphasis should be placed on treating and eliminating live roaches, it is also important to pay close attention to the removal of dead roaches. Over time, the deterioration of their cast skins can create allergens.
- AphidsTrue bugs include insects such as leafhoppers, aphids, cicadas, stink bugs, water bugs and bed bugs. They have many of the same parts as other insects in that they have an exoskeleton, segmented bodies, and six legs. However, when they reproduce all true bugs hatch from their egg as a miniature version of the adult bug. The front wings of true bugs are thickened and colored near where they are attached to the insect's body, and are clearer and thinner towards the hind end of the wing. It is important to remember that all bugs are insects, but not all insects are bugs.
- GnatsSciaridae - dark-winged fungus gnats that resemble mosquitoes cause concern for mushroom farmers and can cause problems for homeowners, as they also infest potted plants in homes.
- MidgesGnats, fruit flies and midges are often thought of as the same insect but are actually different in many ways. While most household gnats can be annoying and problematic to control, most household species don’t bite or sting like some midges and most mosquitoes. However, some biting, disease-carrying gnats cause river blindness in sub-Saharan areas. “No-see-ums,” or sandflies, fall into the midge family group of tiny flying insects. Midges and some biting gnats need blood meals to reproduce effectively and some of these biting species cause allergic reactions and transmit diseases. Male gnats sometimes form mating swarms that are known as “ghosts.” These swarming events occur usually at dusk; no-see-ums, however, swarm at dawn and at dusk.
- Sow BugsBoron is a naturally occurring mineral found in all kinds of household products like soaps, detergent, deodorant and even makeup! Boron is a versatile mineral that has been used for years in pest control. When ingested by certain pests, the boron destroys a pest’s ability to digest, essentially killing it from the inside out. Don’t be afraid: as mammals, it takes massive doses of boron to have any negative affect on us, more than you could ever come in contact with or consume. But for small, self-grooming pests, it only takes a small amount to be devastating. Therefore, TIP insulation is infused with no less than 12.5% orthoboric acid, an amount deemed by the EPA to kill and control self-grooming pests like: roaches, ants, silverfish, earwigs, termites* (including Formosan), crickets, sow bugs, darkling beetles, millipedes, centipedes, and booklice. These pests will walk through the insulation, picking up the borates as they travel. Then, when its family bath time, they ingest the product while cleaning each other. Not long after, your pest problem starts to fade away. No other insulation product can say the same!
- Boxelder BugsAppearance: Mature boxelder bugs can be identified by the three red lines that run across their thorax and the additional thin red lines on their wings.
- BatsScorpions feed mainly on small spiders and insects but also enjoy a variety of crickets, earthworms, centipedes, and other scorpions. Although they do have a well-developed sense of hearing, scorpions have poor eyesight. So they must rely on the sense of touch for navigation and detecting prey. Scorpions do not stalk or chase prey, but locate their prey by sensing vibrations and then wait to grab it with their pincers. Even though scorpions are equipped with venom for defense, scorpions fall prey to a variety of predators such as bats, centipedes, lizards, mice, owls, shrews, and tarantulas.
- Wildlife
- BirdsTruly Nolen is a full service pest control provider that can handle all aspects of pest control services including rodent exclusion; wildlife eradication/trapping; venomous/stinging insect eradication/elimination; bird control/eradication; all variations of termite control methodologies; wood destroying organism control and more. Our pricing is highly competitive as the ultimate pest control services provider. We have centralized all of our processes and we can support any service throughout the country through one central hub. Our pest management program features Quality Assurance and an entire Quality Control Team; a dedicated Account Management Team, implementation and roll-out and transition teams which all support Truly Nolen's highly trained commercial technicians and industry-specific specialists in delivering an effective and competitive Pest Management Program.
- SparrowsPigeons and other birds such as Starlings and House Sparrows can pose a serious health threat due to their close proximity to humans. These urban dwellers have completely adapted to our way of life and thrive in our buildings and eat our food.
- Starlings
- PigeonsIf you would be outraged to find a colony of rats living in your attic, you should be equally upset to find pigeons nesting in your attic. In terms of disease and damage, rodents and pigeons are similar. Birds are the perfect vector for spreading disease; they travel great distances, harbor over forty different parasites and can host over sixty types of infectious diseases.
- RodentsPeople don’t often see rodents, but signs of their presence are easy to detect. It’s important to know which species is present in order to choose an
- MiceTruly Nolen’s rodent removal and control services are fast and effective in protecting your home or business from rodents, including mice and rats. Our technicians protect your property by targeting rodent populations at an early stage.
- RatsRats will eat just about anything, but they prefer grains, meats and some fruits. Rats will eat about 10 percent of their body weight every day. Rats generally live about a year, but can live much longer in ideal conditions. They eat and contaminate food, damage structures and property, and transmit parasites and diseases to other animals and humans.