- Tax Services
- Investment Management
- Mutual FundsIM Global Partner's US operations include the wealth and asset management firm Litman Gregory which joined our network in June 2021. Based in the San Francisco area, Litman Gregory was founded in 1987 and offers mutual funds, portfolio strategies and research services. Clients include individuals, multigenerational families, endowments and foundations.
- Accounting Services
- Financial Planning
- Retirement Planning
- Asset ManagementThe data and information featured on this web site are provided free of charge and solely for information purposes. The information contained herein constitutes neither an offer to purchase nor a solicitation to sell and may not be construed as an investment recommendation on the part of iM Global Partner Asset Management or other entities of the group iM Global Partner, its affiliates, managers, officers, or employees (hereafter « iMGP ») and has no legal or contractual value. Furthermore, any reference to a specific security in any published material is included by way of illustrative example and should not be construed as a recommendation to purchase, hold or sell such a security nor does it in any manner constitute the provision of investment advice in relation to same. The iMGP Sicav ( hereafter « iMGP » or « iMGP Funds » or « Fund ») has not taken any measures to adapt to each individual investor who remains responsible for his own independent decisions. Any investment in the funds presented on the web site must be made in conformity with the related legal documentation in force (prospectus, Key Investor Information Documents), as approved, where applicable, by the regulatory authority in your country. iMGP Funds is an open-ended umbrella investment company established and regulated in Luxembourg. The iMGP Sicav is not open to citizens or residents of the USA or to any other party deemed to be a US person. iMGP Funds’ current Prospectus and Key Investor Information Document, by –laws and the Annual and Half Yearly Reports of the Fund can be obtained on this website or from the iMGP offices at 5, Allée Scheffer, L-2520 Luxembourg or from the Agents and Representatives listed on this website for the specific jurisdictions where iMGP Funds are registered and this marketing document is intended for use only in those specific jurisdictions. Investors are advised that they should consult the Prospectus before seeking to subscribe. Moreover, investors are also advised to consult their legal, financial or tax advisors before taking any investment decisions.