- Child AbuseThe term “child abuse” covers a wide range of possible offenses that include mental and physical cruelty, neglecting or causing harm to a child, and various forms of exploitation and sexual abuse. It is important to retain an attorney as soon as possible to begin an independent investigation into your situation. Any time you are charged with child abuse, it is required that Child Protective Services become involved.
- Criminal DefenseCriminal defense attorney and Bay Area native, Pamela is committed to fighting for her clients. As a former Deputy District Attorney, she has been in private practice specializing in criminal defense in Alameda and Contra Costa Counties.
- DUI/DWICalifornia has been a leader in fighting drunk driving and has passed some of the most significant DUI laws of any state. Even if this is your first offense you may face up to $2,000in fines and fees, plus up to two days in jail, suspension of your license, and be required to attend an alcohol education program. .
- Traffic Violations
- Sex CrimesIn California, a sex crime conviction can have significant effect on your life. Beyond the risk of substantial time in state prison or county jail, fines and mandatory counseling, you face the possibility of sex offender registration. Being a registered sex offender can be devastating to your personal and professional life, severely limiting the types of employment you can obtain and even where you are allowed to live. Sex crimes include...
- FraudTypes of fraud include white collar crime, perjury, and forgery. In addition, there are many types of fraud involving insurance and government benefits such as auto and health insurance fraud, and fraud involving disability, worker’s comp, Medi-Cal, welfare. Many fraud crimes involve real estate, including 2.1. California foreclosure fraud, predatory lending, illegal property flipping, rent skimming, and phantom help schemes of all types.
- White Collar Crimes
- Theft
- MisdemeanorsIf you have been charged with a theft crime you should contact our office immediately. There are a variety of theft crimes that you may be charged with. Sometimes, you may even be facing multiple charges. Generally speaking, when the total value is below $950, it is considered petty theft, which is a misdemeanor. Above that amount is considered grand theft, which is a felony. Theft crimes include...
- Embezzlement
- Drug CrimesDepending on the drug crime you have been charged with, you may be facing time in state prison or county jail. Other options include significant fines, probation, community service, or mandatory drug treatment Drug crimes include...
- AssaultEven if you have never done nothing wrong in your life and believe that your altercation with another person was very minor, you can find yourself accused of simple assault. If the other person is injured in any way you could be subject to far more serious charges. If you have questions or need representation in Alameda or Contra Costa counties contact me right away. 1-510-543-0080
- MurderIn practice, manslaughter charges are typically filed in murder cases where the alleged perpetrator has admitted to killing the victim but seeks to have the charge reduced from murder to manslaughter
- Identity TheftTheft crimes should not be taken lightly as they can have a significant effect on employment and also have
- ArsonFelonies can include charges such as aggravated assault, animal cruelty, arson, felony assault, grand larceny, kidnapping, manslaughter, murder, sale of manufacture of drugs, and tax evasion.
- Shoplifting
- Restraining OrderA victim of domestic abuse is allowed under law to apply for emergency protective orders and restraining orders in civil or criminal court. A protective order or a restraining order to not depend on physical harm. A victim who fears imminent harm or what has suffered emotional abuse can qualify for protection in California.
- Forgery
- Kidnapping
- ManslaughterCalifornia penal code (192) defines voluntary manslaughter as the killing of another human being. It is an act that is committed during a sudden quarrel, in the heat of passion or in the “honest but unreasonable belief in the need to defend oneself.
- Foreclosure