- Child AbuseWhen it comes to child safety, our willingness to take on tough challenges has never been in question. Attorneys here have successfully handled claims involving lead paint, special education, child abuse and a diverse range of other issues. In one case, we successfully represented a group of children who suffered from kidney ailments as the result of drinking over-fortified milk.
- Criminal DefenseFor more than 25 years, G&B attorney Michael Gillis has successfully handled district court criminal matters. The overwhelming number of cases resolve favorably before trial or are dismissed before trial. Of all the cases that have gone to trial, there have been only two convictions against G&B clients in all those years, one for a first offense operating under the influence of alcohol, and another where the client was charged with a third offense operating under the influence of alcohol, which carries a substantial mandatory jail sentence and a lengthy loss of license, but was convicted of only a first offense, which carries a much less sentence. Through an aggressive investigation of the case, appropriate motion practice to suppress evidence, preclude witnesses, or dismiss matters, and a good working relationship with the assistant district attorneys of the local counties, G&B clients regularly receive exceptionally fair resolutions of criminal matters as well as professional counsel should the matter be forced to trial.
- DUI/DWIAttorneys at Gillis & Bikofsky have proven themselves to be strong and effective advocates for drunk driving accident victims in the Boston area and throughout Massachusetts.
- Wrongful DeathWrongful death cases are a paradox for attorneys. The reason why is that no matter how skillfully you handle the case or how much compensation you are able to secure — nothing will ever truly make things right for the surviving spouse, parents or children of a wrongful death victim.
- Sex Crimes
- White Collar Crimes
- Theft
- Drug Crimes
- AssaultOn Thanksgiving night, in an American Veterans hall, a patron who was served too much alcohol became belligerent, got in an argument with another patron, went to his car, got a knife, came back into the bar, and stabbed and killed a G&B client. The decedent had two children, a young teenage daughter and her little brother. Suit was brought against the hall and the patron for serving too much alcohol to the patron, failing to properly supervise the bar and its patrons, and for assault and battery. During litigation, a settlement was reached with the hall, and the court awarded a judgment against the individual defendant in excess of 15 million dollars. The individual appealed, and the appeal has now ended. With interest, the settlement and judgment combined exceed 17 million dollars.
- Restraining OrderA G&B client sold property that he owned in order to purchase waterfront property. He recently entered a relationship with a woman and had begun living with her. Because she had a better credit rating, she applied and received a mortgage, and the house was put in her name. Subsequently, the relationship soared, and he asked her to leave the premises. She obtained a restraining order against him alleging abuse and refused to relinquish the premises as it was in her name and she alleged that she paid a share of the expenses.
- Hit and RunA husband and father of two boys walked to the local bus stop and took two buses to work each day so that his wife and children could use the car. While on the way to the bus station one morning, the father was struck by a hit and run driver and killed.
- Business DisputesEach of the business law attorneys at our firm offers at least 20 years of experience with commercial concerns and is skilled at all forms of dispute resolution — litigation, arbitration and mediation included.
- Wrongful TerminationIf you believe that you’ve been the victim of a wrongful termination — call or contact Gillis & Bikofsky, P.C. in Newton, Massachusetts, or Cape Cod for a free consultation today.
- Employment DiscriminationIf you have been the victim of sexual harassment, employment discrimination or other types of illegal conduct in the workplace — our experienced attorneys can help you secure a brighter employment situation for the future.
- Employment LitigationOur firm has a great deal of experience with employment claims in general, and with wrongful termination claims involving whistleblower or Qui Tam protections as well. Equally important to our clients is the fact that each attorney in our office has at least 20 years of experience — a fact that means clients can rest easy at night knowing their case is being handled by someone who has had success on behalf of previous whistleblower clients.
- Sexual HarassmentIf you’ve suffered a serious personal injury, the wrongful death of a loved one, or sexual harassment by an employer — talk to us. Call or contact our firm today for a free consultation.
- Real Estate Litigation
- Premises LiabilityRepresenting injured people and families in the Boston area and throughout eastern Massachusetts, our firm handles premises liability claims resulting from negligence and accidents of all types, including...
- Personal InjuryAs quickly as a serious personal injury can turn a bright future into bleak horizons — so can employment-related wage disputes, discrimination or harassment.
- Medical MalpracticeWhat kind of experience are we talking about? First, each of our four lawyers has been practicing law for at least 20 years. Second, each has also proven their ability to successfully handle the complex legal issues associated with medical malpractice cases. Third, we have the kind of experience other attorneys look for when they need to refer clients with difficult cases to another firm.
- Auto Accidents
- Dog Bites
- Estate Planning
- ForeclosureThe seller of a home, after signing an offer to purchase, refused to sign a purchase and sale agreement. G&B attorney Michael Gillis brought suit on behalf of the purchasers, and the seller then agreed to sign the purchase and sale. Subsequently, the seller refused to attend the closing and would not sign over the property. While suit was pending, the seller refused to pay his mortgage and let the property go to foreclosure. The buyers ended up buying a better home in the same neighborhood, and they lived in a rented home in the interim.