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- Real Estate Litigation
- Construction LitigationOur attorneys also advise our clients on business issues such as pricing, scheduling, financing and project delivery. We also have extensive litigation expertise, handling construction disputes before state and federal courts and mediation and arbitration tribunals.
- Real Estate TransactionsProperty owners and developers routinely come to us for advice on and assistance with applying to the New York State Brownfield Cleanup Program (“BCP”), which provides financial incentives for the voluntary remediation and redevelopment of historically contaminated properties. The Firm advises clients as to the BCP eligibility criteria and works closely with consultants to ensure that application materials maximize clients’ likelihood of acceptance. Our attorneys then oversee the remediation to ensure compliance with all aspects of the BCP. Finally, we guide clients through the complicated closure process, negotiating easements and other associated agreements required to obtain a Certificate of Completion and provide advice on the availability of tax credits. The Firm’s experience includes negotiating real estate transactions involving the transfer of BCP tax credits.
- Eminent Domain
- Land Use and ZoningFor over fifty years, Sive, Paget & Riesel (SPR) has been a recognized leader in environmental law and litigation, municipal and land use law. The firm has unparalleled experience assisting clients in the preparation of environmental assessments and Environmental Impact Statements (EISs), working on Brownfield redevelopment projects and environmental permitting, and supporting corporate transactions with due diligence reviews and risk assessments.
- Landlord-Tenant Disputes
- Personal InjuryOur attorneys have experience with arbitration, mediation, expert fact finding, facilitation, stakeholder involvement, collaborative law and other custom ADR proceedings. Several of our lawyers are trained and certified as mediators and arbitrators and serve as court-appointed dispute resolution specialists, as private neutrals and on dispute resolution boards. Our attorneys have employed ADR procedures in disputes involving environmental claims, insurance coverage, commercial contracts, construction, energy, FLSA, ADA, real estate, labor and employment, bankruptcy, toxic tort, and personal injury claims.
- Estate Planning
- Bankruptcy