- Internet CrimesThe Law Offices of Karen J. Bernstein, LLC offers legal services in the area of trademark, copyright, and Internet law. We have arranged our website to assist you in finding the service that best suits your needs.
- Business DisputesKaren J. Bernstein has been associated with two highly-regarded Park Avenue intellectual property and entertainment business law firms in Manhattan. As an IP associate, she benefited from working closely with esteemed attorneys and gained experience in her areas of concentration. Karen’s clients include well-known celebrities, speakers, and small to medium sized businesses. Karen has over a decade of legal experience. She has been a speaker at domain industry events like Domain Roundtable, been interviewed on the PBS Nightly Business Report about new gTLDs. She has also been consulted on copyright issues and has written about Trademark and Internet law issues. When you need a reliable, knowledgeable, and experienced intellectual property attorney, Karen is the one to go to.
- Intellectual Property
- Unfair CompetitionWe have obtained positive results for our clients in maintaining or defending trademark opposition and cancellation proceedings, as well trademark infringement, unfair competition, copyright, gray market goods, Anticybersquatting Protection Act, and Uniform Dispute Resolution (UDRP) cases.