- Intellectual PropertyIntellectual property licensing agreements, are vital in today’s business world as a means of capitalizing and exploiting one’s trademark, copyright, and patents. Most companies rely heavily on the revenue and royalties they receive from licensed products, therefore the underlying protection of the intellectual property itself has become paramount. As with any contract, clear expectations should be defined for long term conditions, compensation and renewal. Indeed, intellectual property licensing agreements have become more complex and challenging to even the most experienced business people. Whether your business either owns, is acquiring the rights to, or is licensing the intellectual property, it is important to be represented by attorneys experienced in such transactions.
- Unfair CompetitionLitigation: Â Litigation typically takes place in a federal court and it can be commenced before (in lieu of), during, or after arbitration. In litigation, a party is also free to bring a number of claims, e.g., trademark infringement, common law unfair competition and/or passing off, dilution claims, and/or a claim under the U.S. Anti-cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act.
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