- Family Practice
- Internal Medicine
- Cancer CareThe contents of the LungCancerCare.com web site, such as the text, graphics, images, any/all information obtained from licensors, and other material ["Content"] contained on the Lung CancerCare.com web site are there for informational purposes only and should not be used to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease. The Content is not intended to be nor should it ever be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis or treatment in any way. Please do not use the information found on the pages of LungCancerCare.com as a substitute for professional evaluation and treatment. Any information you find here or on web sites which we link to should always be verified with your Professional Health Care Provider. Consult your Professional Health Care Provider with any and all specific medical questions or problems you may have. If you think you may have a medical emergency or any other condition which requires immediate medical attention, please contact your doctor or call 911 immediately. LungCancerCare.com does not in any way recommend, suggest or endorse any specific tests, products, brand names, procedures, opinions, and/or any other information that may be mentioned on the web site. Reliance on any/all information which is being provided by Lung Cancer Care.com, its agents, staff or employees, any/all others appearing on the web site at the invitation of Lung Cancer Care.com, or other visitors to the web site shall be viewed solely at your own risk.
- Lung CancerLung cancer is perhaps one of the most common types of cancer diagnosed today. The lungs, of course, are a pair of cone-shaped organs situated inside the chest, they absorb oxygen into the body and omit carbon dioxide. There is a confirmed link between smoking and lung cancer. There are essentially two primary categories of lung cancer; Small Cell Lung Cancer, and Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. World-wide over one million people are diagnosed with lung cancer each year. Lung cancer is defined as the uncontrollable growth of abnormal functioning cells which are located within the lungs. All normal lung tissue is comprised of various cells which are programmed by nature to create lungs of a certain shape and function. Sometimes the instructions contained within these cells function abnormally, thusly that cell and inevitably all of that cell's offspring will then reproduce uncontrollably, without any regard for the normal shape and primary function of the lungs. This erratic reproduction can
- UltrasoundSputum Examination — With coughing, tumor cells can be released right into the sputum. Collecting an early morning specimen can be very helpful in detecting abnormal cells.
- MRIMRI Scan: Magnetic Resonance Imaging is good for lymph nodes, Pleural mesotheliomas and metastatic disease to chest wall and adrenals and brain.
- X-Rays
- Computed TomographyCAT Scan — Computed tomography is a type of scanning where cross-sectional images of an area are performed to assess tumor size or possible spread. Typical areas scanned include the chest, head, abdomen and pelvis.
- ChemotherapySmall cell lung cancer accounts for approximately 25% of all lung cancers and exhibits rapid cell growth and spread. It is treated primarily with chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Non-small cell cancer is much more common, accounting for 75% of all lung cancers and is treated primarily with surgery and radiotherapy. Non-small cell lung cancers can consist of three major types...
- Radiation TherapySurgery remains the treatment of choice for individuals who can undergo resection of the cancer. Prompt evaluation and immediate diagnosis is always encouraged for individuals with abnormal symptoms. Other types of lung cancer treatments include chemotherapy which involves receiving medication into the blood stream that attacks the cancer cells in all parts of the body. Yet another type of lung cancer treatment utilizes radiation therapy to eliminate the tumor cells. In fact, most tumors can be precisely targeted with radiation therapy. New modalities for lung cancer treatment are