- FibromyalgiaCognitive behaviour therapy, exercise, or both together worked significantly better than treatment as usual for adults with unexplained widespread pain (fibromyalgia) in a recent trial from the UK. When asked to gauge how much they had improved after six months of treatment, 30% (26/87) of those treated with cognitive therapy, 35% (32/92) of those given an exercise regimen, and 37% (35/94) of those treated with both reported feeling much better or very much better than they had at the start of the trial. Just 8% (7/88) of controls reported the same magnitude of improvement; the other 92% reported minimal improvement or worse.
- Primary CareClearly, there needs to be standards that require all Primary Care Centers and Hospitals to have a staff psychologist available: See- http://blogs.psychcentral.com/addiction-recovery/2012/02/prescribing-drugs-known-addicts/
- Family Practice
- Emergency CareIn 2010, there were 4.9 million drugrelated emergency department (ED) visits; about one half (46.8 percent, or 2.3 million visits) were attributed to drug misuse or abuse with a nearly equal percentage (47.4 percent) attributed to adverse drug reactions.
- Internal MedicineCMHC, Inc. employs a supervising physician with experience in internal medicine, emergency medicine, and general practice. In addition we are affiliated with the Bates County Memorial Hospital and Primary Care Centers where our affiliate hospital and physicians, nurse practitioners, physician’s assistants, and registered nurses and neuropsychologists and medical psychologists provide excellent primary care diagnoses and treatment. Our nurse case managers coordinate the care of patients and communication between providers and community programs. If you need physical care and want to know more about our primary care program and the three primary care providers involved in our program each week call 417-667-8352
- Autism
- Stress ManagementCapstone Training Experiences which integrate and expand years of academic preparation. Our training programs emphasize practice preparation for the rural culture and rural specialty areas. Consequently, a strong generalist orientation with extensive family therapy skills constitute core components of our programs. CMHC, Inc. trains psychology interns and post doctoral residencies, provides Nurse Practitioner Clinical Placements, provides two year substance abuse counselor training residencies, provides two year marital and family therapist and professional counselor residencies, and provides specific corporate stress management and organizational consultation programs and employee development and EAP programs.
- Depression
- Mental Health"Disclaimer: CMHC, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer and expressly prohibits discrimination of any kind. CMHC, Inc. operates certain certified programs, which are funded through the Missouri Department of Mental Health, the Missouri Division of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse, and Federal Probation & Parole. Some or all of these programmatic funds are provided through the Federal Block Grant system.
- PsychiatryNovember 16, 2011 — One in 12 teens engage in self-harm behavior but the vast majority spontaneously stop as they enter adulthood, a large population-based study shows. Nevertheless, investigators warn that as one of the strongest predictors of completed suicide, self-harm, along with other common mental disorders such as depression and anxiety, may be an important, yet largely unrecognized, component of suicide prevention. Researchers at King’s College London Institute of Psychiatry in the United Kingdom found that among individuals who self-harm as adolescents, 90% stop spontaneously, while the remaining 10% continue to self-harm into adulthood. In addition, a small subgroup of study participants initiated self-harm in early adulthood. When investigators examined this subgroup they found these individuals were more like to have experienced depression and anxiety in their teenage years.
- Behavioral HealthWe have supervisors that are qualified to supervise psychologists in specialties for post doctoral residencies, and for people wishing to become credentialed as Clinical Members of AAMFT, to add to their behavioral health licensure special certification proficiencies in Substance Abuse Treatment, and training in Medical Psychology.
- Anxiety
- Diabetes Care
- HypothyroidismBoard Certified Medical Psychologist and Physician led cognitive adaptation and rehabilitation services post CVA, TIA, CHD, TBI, and for advanced obesity, diabetes, hypertension, hypothyroidism, and demylination and IBS disorders.
- Occupational TherapyThe system provides comprehensive assessments of physical and mental health needs across multiple sites in Cass and Vernon counties. We provide hospital, day treatment, physical and occupational therapy and rehabilitation, medication management, outpatient psychotherapy, comprehensive substance use services, outpatient physical healthcare, emergency services, transportation services, and screening and transfer