- Medical Weight LossAn increase in physical activity is an important part of your weight management program. Most weight loss occurs because of decreased caloric intake. Sustained physical activity is most helpful in the prevention of weight regain. In addition, exercise has a benefit of reducing risks of cardiovascular disease and diabetes, beyond that produced by weight reduction alone. Start exercising slowly, and gradually increase the intensity. Trying too hard at first can lead to injury.
- Primary Care
- Family PracticeAmethyst Medical Group is the private medical practice of Dr. Winni Loesch. Dr. Loesch is Board Certified in Family Medicine. Patients receive primary medical care with a focus on prevention & early intervention, integrating the principles of Functional Medicine.
- Emergency CareHospital and Emergency Room coordination. We forward all pertinent medical information to the emergency room or hospital admitting doctors as well as visit and communicate with hospitalists to ensure our patients receive the best possible care.
- ElectrocardiogramThe BioZ test takes 5 minutes, is as easy to apply as an EKG, and is reimbursed by Medicare and many private insurance carriers.
- ImmunizationsHello from Dr. Winni Loesch’s office, today is Friday Feb. 12, 2021 we have some up to date information on the COVID vaccine roll out for our county. Nevada County is currently in Phase 1B focusing on vaccination of people 65 or over, Educators, Emergency service and Food and Agriculture service As of 2/10/21 you can now sign up at Myturn.ca.gov. You can also sign up at DokimosPharmacy.com web page or go to Mynevadacounty.com and sign up. Most retail participating pharmacies will open up registration for vaccine appointment on line this week sometime, we do know that CVS in Auburn ca. has started this week. Unfortunately our office will not be able to administer vaccine as we do not have proper refrigeration/storage. For those of you that have been contacted by Sutter, UC Davis, Dignity or other facilities to get vaccinated please feel free to do so and sign up. For those of you who have been vaccinated please call the office or enter into the patient portal and let the staff know when, were, in what arm and who the manufacture is.
- Urology
- Behavioral HealthIola has worked with private and public health, behavioral health, educational, social service, criminal justice agencies and in the private sector with business and organizations. She brings with her an innovative leadership in designing, facilitating and implementing effective practices for our medical practice.
- UltrasoundIf you receive an invoice from Amethyst Medical Group, please contact our office at (530) 798-5003. All laboratory, ultrasound, mammogram, biopsy, and pap smear testing done through our office is billed separately by the company that performs the test. If you have questions about an invoice from one of these companies, please contact them directly.
- Physical Therapy