- Glass Repair/ReplacementWelcome to AGSC.org The Auto Glass Safety Council (AGSC) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the safe repair and replacement of auto glass. The AGSC was founded and is supported by companies in the auto glass repair and replacement industry that keep safe repair and replacement as their primary goal and is an accredited American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standards development organization. It has developed and continuously maintains North America's only auto glass replacement standard, the Auto Glass Replacement Safety Standard (AGRSS™) ANSI/AGSC/AGRSS 005-2022 which addresses procedures, education and product performance. Through its National Windshield Repair Division (NWRD), it has developed the Repair of Laminated Auto Glass Standard (ROLAGS™), ANSI/AGSC/NWRD/ROLAGS 002-2022, which addresses procedures, education and product performance relating to auto glass repair.
- Windshield Repair/Replacement
"Fish and Chips" found in 1 dish