- Window Cleaning
- Rug Cleaning24-Hour emergency response for both residential & commercial buildings. Specializing in wall & ceiling cavity drying, wood floor drying, sewage clean up, deodorization & decontamination, carpet & fine rug cleaning, furniture cleaning of all types of fabrics & leathers, contents inventory, cleaning, packing, moving & storage.
- Furniture Cleaning
- Deodorizing
- Deep CleaningNow that the emergency work is complete, your contents are either protected or packed out into our state of the art facility for deodorization and further deep cleaning. We understand that your belongings are important to us. Some have monetary value while others have priceless sentimental value to you and your family. We pride ourselves in taking great care of your items and restoring as best as possible to their prior state.
- Bathroom Cleaning
- Green CleaningEco-Friendly Antimicrobials: The use of green cleaning agents ensures safe and effective mold removal without harmful chemicals.
- Water Damage RestorationWater damage is the most common emergency that homeowners experience and needs to be treated within 24 hours by a trained professional. RCS ’s trained technicians will assess your water and other type of damage to determine the best course of action.
- Fire Damage RestorationWe have 24/7 emergency services for both water damage and fire damage. You will always reach a live person, so you will not have to go through an answering service.
- Mold RemediationMold and environmental issues are in the headlines every day as people are becoming more conscious of the dangers. Mold is unsightly and deteriorates the structure of your building and its contents, on top of releasing dangerous spores into the air which can cause a multitude of health problems. Mold in walls, carpets, floors, and crawlspaces can be a huge concern when it comes to the health of your family. Restoration Certified Specialists allows you to breathe easier and healthier, by implementing mold remediation in your building so that it is no longer a threat to the air that you breathe.