- AntsNo, however they do chew wood and drop it in the form of sawdust. This allows them to make a home for themselves. They prefer to eat dead insects.
- Spiders
- TermitesThere are various species of termites in the United States but in the North East subterranean termites are most common. Subterranean termites are social insects that live in the soil. They live long lives with the queen of a colony living from 15 to 30 years and laying hundreds of eggs every day. A typical colony can contain several hundred thousand termites. The termite soldiers protect the colony and the workers feed the colony. The workers leave and return to the colony on a regular basis. They feed on the cellulose in wood, return to the colony and regurgitate their food to feed the rest of the colony.
- Fleas
- Cockroaches
- Silverfish
- BeesCarpenter Ants, Carpenter Bees, and Powder Post Beetles are not nearly as destructive as termites but non-the-less they all should always be treated to protect your property from damage. In conclusion, when buying a home you should always get a pest inspecti
- Wasps
- Earwigs
- Centipedes
- Millipedes
- BeetlesThe pest inspector is looking for any or all of the four wood destroying insects (WDI) commonly found in Pennsylvania. They are termites, carpenter ants, carpenter bees, and powder post beetles. These insects can destroy your property unless they are located and treated properly. The lending institute, the seller, the buyer and the real estate agent all have a stake in the property and all want the property to be free of these insects. If the property is infested with any of the four WDI, a quality pest control company can correct the infestation and correct the problem. If left untreated the property will continue to be damaged.
- Hornets
- Yellowjackets
- Pill Bugs
- Sow Bugs
- WoodpeckersYes, carpenter bees will drill a perfectly round hole in your home's exterior wood siding enter and then lay eggs. As a result woodpeckers will peck at the wood to get to the eggs, consequently destroying your home's wood siding.
- Mice
- Rats