- Dead Animal Removal
- AntsWoodpecker droppings are white and usually have a slight curve at one end. You might be able to identify berries, ants, or other insects in the poop. You can locate woodpecker droppings most often underneath their nest.
- SpidersWhy do we want to keep Woodpeckers Around? Woodpeckers are excellent for the environment, they clean up insects that bore into trees and bugs that ravage your garden, too (like grasshoppers, crickets, spiders, beetles, etc.); woodpeckers help to prevent infestations of these bugs in trees and homes. They also create holes in trees for other animals who wouldn't have been able to do so on their own, this allows animals like owls, songbirds, squirrels, opossums, snakes, etc. to nest in the tree whereas without the woodpecker, the process may have taken hundreds of years. Some species of the woodpeckers are going extinct, meaning that this bird IS protected by federal law.
- Bed BugsThere are a few reasons why swallow prevention should be on almost everyone's minds. First, swallow droppings and nests can be home to several diseases such as Salmonella, Encephalitis, Histoplasmosis, Toxoplasmosis, and even Meningitis. These diseases, while they can be mild, can also cause problems as serious as seizures and even death. These illnesses are most harmful to infants and young children. Swallows also carry Conenose bugs; also knows as Kissing bugs, these insects are like a combination of ticks and bed bugs. They only come out at night and feed on the blood of vertebrates. Kissing bugs can be hosts to Trypanosoma cruzi, or more commonly known as Chagas disease. This disease can cause mild symptoms such as swelling and a fever, but if left untreated can lead to congestive heart failure. Another reason to prevent swallows is their love for home. I don’t mean that they'll get homesick when they migrate, but that they AND their offspring (and even their offspring's offspring) will come back to the same place year after year unless discouraged from doing so. A swallow population can double and even triple every season!
- FleasDead Mice Mice live, on average, about two years. If you take into account how many mice are born every year and figure that at least that many are dying each year, that's a ton of mice. Dead mice can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months to decompose making their clean up and removal a very high priority. When mice die, handling the corpse can lead to the spread of any diseases that they carried while alive. Likewise, disease can be spread by fleas, ticks, or even animals that came in contact with the mouse. It is important that gloves, and possibly respirators, are worn when cleaning up dead mice. Any corpses that are collected should be placed in a plastic bag and taken to a burn plant immediately to be incinerated.
- BeesHoneybees, or Bees choose to live in places that are dark and offer shelter from wind and rain. Hollow trees work well, but so do walls. If bees can get inside a wall they will use the wall cavity to build up their honeycomb and fill it with honey. If this continues for very long, the weight of the honey can eventually collapse a sheetrock wall. Or, if it gets hot, the wax will soften and melt and the honey will run down the wall and onto the floor and carpet. Bees also are attracted to the small openings at roofs’ edges and may build up their colonies inside an attic. Honeybees are not particularly aggressive, but the likelihood of being stung increases when they are in close proximity; colonies usually number in the tens of thousands. This risk is particularly dangerous for people and pets that are allergic to bee stings. If the bees are Africanized, which is becoming more common in the United States, then they will be very aggressive and bee extermination is necessary. Bee removal is not for the faint-hearted; bee buzzing can be very unnerving and if bees feel threatened they will attack in a coordinated manner. Our professionals can remove bees and perform the necessary maintenance and repairs to prevent another colony from occupying the same space. Read more about honeybee control and remember to check out our Honeybee Photos and prices for honeybee removal.
- WaspsWhy do we want to keep Swallows Around? Swallows are federally protected, the reason being that they eat insects. That might sound strange, but when you consider the fact that the common house fly can carry typhoid, cholera, dysentery, salmonella, anthrax, and even tuberculosis it starts to make more sense. Swallows don't just eat flies, either; they also consume mosquitoes, dragonflies, bees, ants, wasps, moths, spiders, roundworms, and many more.
- TicksRaccoons, while aesthetic, can cause quite a lot of trouble and are considered a nuisance animal. Not only can they cause a lot of damage to your property by tearing up gardens, defacing property, and digging through trash cans; to your home whether it's in the attic, a crawlspace, or a chimney; but they can also carry diseases like rabies, salmonella, tularemia, and roundworm. Raccoon scat can carry roundworm and should be taken very seriously, if ingested it can cause symptoms as small as an upset stomach and illness or as extreme as blindness and death. Raccoons can also carry fleas and ticks that may spread to your pets or family and infest your home if they are living in an attic, crawlspace, chimney, etc.
- Crickets
- MosquitoesBats are helpful creatures to have nearby because they eat bugs such a mosquitoes. Keeping bats around is beneficial, but not when they occupy a place in your home such as your attic. The only type of bat that lives in buildings are insect eating bats. Each bat eats more then 2,000 insects a day so bats are very beneficial to have around. Just like humans, bats are a social creature. Bats usually live in colonies that can contain hundreds to thousands of them. People usually do not have a single bat problem but problems with the bat colonies. It is best to get rid of bats in a humane way for many reasons. Bats help keep the pes and bug population down and depending on where you live it could be illegal to kill bats.
- FliesMaggots, or fly larvae appear in extraordinarily large numbers on the bodies of dead animals and birds. When an animal dies, the carcass attracts flies and other insects to come and lay their eggs there. The scent of decay and the presence of insects and maggots can be very troublesome if this occurs inside a home or other buildings. Our experienced professional technicians will remove the body from its location in your home, be it a wall cavity, crawlspace, attic, chimney or elsewhere. Our operators also provide clean-up of the maggots and other insect pests including sanitization and deodorization. Read more about insect control, and remember to check out our Maggot Photos and prices for insecticide applications.
- Beetles
- Moths
- MitesWoodpeckers will nest inside of attics after drilling their way inside. This can lead to quite a mess, and they can also start to drill holes inside of your home. One way vents are the best way to remove woodpeckers, they allow the bird to leave the home but not to come back in. If you find a nest inside your attic, remember that ALL woodpeckers, that includes eggs and chicks, are federally protected. The nest needs to be treated for bird mites and properly removed. Be sure to repair and block off any entrances the woodpecker had into the attic so that other birds, bats, mice, etc. can't use the hole to gain entry also.
- BatsA good time to get rid of your bats is around May 1st through August 31st. You will want to move the bats at this time and no sooner due to the possibility of baby bats living among the colony. You don't want to remove the bats for several reasons if pups are in the colony. First reason is that the pups will die if they are not big
- MolesMoles cause terrible damage to lawns, fields and golf courses. They are persistent diggers and leave mounds of dirt everywhere they dig. It can be extremely frustrating to try to get rid of moles because since they are underground, you can never see where they are. Our experienced animal control technicians have mole traps and techniques that are very effective. We also offer mole repellent, which has somewhat less success. Our technicians can further assist property owners by determining ways to make their properties less attractive to moles. Read more about mole control and mole extermination, and remember to check out our Mole Photos and prices for mole removal.
- RaccoonsContact us for professional Raccoon removal, control, and clean-up services. We also offer coaching services and products for a fee. If you're a do-it-yourselfer, check out the suggested techniques below.
- SnakesContact us for professional Snake removal, control, and clean-up services. We also offer coaching services and products for a fee. If you're a do-it-yourselfer, check out the suggested techniques below.
- WildlifeIf you are experiencing wild bird, snake, or animal infestations in your home, at your business, or on your personal property anywhere in the United States, we invite you to utilize our network of professional trappers and pest wildlife removal technicians.
- OpossumsOpossums are attracted to shelters such as attics, chimneys, sheds and barns. They are not vicious animals, but are a problem to the nose because of their smelly opossum feces. They also bring pest insects with them on their bodies, which will take up residence wherever the opossums go. Our wildlife control operators offer professional opossum pest control, and have specialized opossum traps for that purpose. Read more about opossum removal and opossum control, and remember to check out our Opossum Photos and prices for opossum removal.
- ArmadillosArmadillos frequently make dens in sheds, under porches, and in crawl spaces. It is important to remove them because they can carry salmonella, tapeworms, and rabies. They also do much damage to yards and gardens because they dig, making armadillo burrows. They have a piggish snout, strong legs and sharp claws which combined together make an excellent digger. Our professional wildlife control technicians use several kinds of armadillo traps, depending on the type of infestation and the laws of the area. Our operators have the best solutions for your problem and will customize their efforts to the characteristics of your specific property and the animal problem at hand. Read more about armadillo control, trapping armadillos, and how to get rid of armadillos and remember to check out our Armadillo Photos and prices for armadillo removal.
- CoyotesThe only true benefit to voles, is their role in the food chain. Animals like owls, snakes, coyotes, and others regularly feast on vole stew. In comparison to the environment, voles can actually be very damaging to nature. They will eat the roots and bark off trees, dig through and kill grass, and consume plants and flowers in gardens. They also populate quickly and never move in small numbers, one morning you could have 3 or 4 voles and in a month find out that there are 20 more!
- PorcupinesPorcupines have ever-growing teeth and so they chew and gnaw all day long. They do a great deal of damage to trees, orchards, ornamental plants, and other vegetation and property. Their chewing exposes the damaged plant or tree to diseases and also weakens its structure. Our pest animal control technicians have a variety of porcupine traps in several styles that enable them to catch porcupines no matter what their location. Read more about porcupine control and trapping porcupines, and remember to check out our Porcupine Photos and prices for porcupine removal.
- WeaselsSince rats repopulate so quickly (one female rat can birth as many as 2,000 babies in a year), release is scarcely practiced in their removal. Once a rat has been inside of an area, it can find and create several different ways to get back into their nest. If you do have a rat infestation, however, you will have to have a 100% kill rate to be able to stop the spread of the animals, otherwise they will only reproduce and fill the spot of one dead rat with 6 more live ones. Poisons can be a dangerous way to get rid of rats, the poison will not only kill the rats, but it could cause illness in small children and pets that come in contact with it. Rats who have been poisoned will often die inside of walls, attics, and crawlspaces making them hard to remove; if they don't die inside of the home, they will die outside where they are likely to be picked up by owls, snakes, weasels, etc. These animals can also be killed by poison the rat has ingested, putting them in danger and reducing the number of rat-eating animals in your area. Traps are the best method but need to be set wisely and in large quantities. It is best to have one of the professionals on our site help you if you are facing problems or are unexperienced in this area. Rats that are killed should be taken to a burn plant to be incinerated to prevent the spread of any disease.
- BirdsIf you are a professional wildlife control operator, trapper, or pest bird control technician, you may qualify to list your business in this directory. Please contact us at 1-888-488-7720.
- WoodpeckersHow do you feel when being woken up by the sound of a machine gun at 5 am? If the sound of a woodpecker is driving you crazy, remember: they're either hunting for insects that may be in your home, making a nest, trying to attract a mate, or just doing what they do (people talk, woodpeckers drum). The primary reason to want to get rid of woodpeckers, unless you suffer from ornithophobia, is because of the loud drumming sounds they make on wood, metal, soffit, vents, and various other things. Woodpeckers usually come in pairs so if you have one, it's likely that you actually have two. They are also very territorial and have been known to remove the nests and eggs from other birds away from their 'area'. You do have to remember though, that woodpeckers are FEDERALLY PROTECTED, so you can't just 'get rid of them'. Removal requires special licensing that is not easy to attain, a professional in your area can help you, however.
- StarlingsWoodpeckers, or Flickers can be very aggravating, especially when their drilling and drumming prevents people from sleeping. Not only are woodpeckers a noise nuisance, they can also permanently harm your home or building. They will drill right through stucco and wooden siding and damage your property, and the holes they make provide access for other pests such as mice, bats, rats and squirrels to enter inside. Then the problem is compounded. If starlings decide to occupy a woodpecker hole, they will bring bird mites with them in large numbers. To further complicate matters, trapping woodpeckers is only legal with a federal kill permit which is expensive and takes time and a lot of effort to obtain. Such permits are usually a last resort measure. In order to stop woodpecker damage and prevent woodpeckers from further harming your home, it is important to contact a professional pest bird control operator who knows how to get rid of woodpeckers safely. Our technicians have woodpecker repellents, including visual and taste products which are very effective woodpecker deterrents and are legal. Read more about woodpecker control, and remember to check out our Woodpecker Photos and prices for woodpecker removal.
- PigeonsWhy do we want to keep Pigeons Around? Pigeons are beneficial to the ecosystem in that they are very opportunistic birds that take advantage of their surroundings. They eat garbage, seeds, and all other foods that they can find. Pigeons work almost as an eco-vacuum and clean up things that are left by both animals and humans. These birds are beautiful in many ways and are helpful to the environment; however, when in flocks pigeons can pose as a health hazard.
- RodentsFeral Cats are house cats living in the wild. They tend to live near humans, making their homes in barns, junk cars, weeds, etc. Feral cats scavenge whatever food they can, and prey on songbird populations, pond fish, pet food, garbage, and small rodents. They are also known to destroy game bird populations, such as pheasants. They occasionally attack domestic poultry and household pets. Some areas of the country have tried to control feral cats by spaying and neutering them, but the cats still terrorize and kill local wild birds. It is usually wise to just get rid of feral cats altogether. Our wild animal removal specialists have highly effective feral cat traps that can take care of this problem safely and humanely. Read more about catching feral cats and remember to check out our Feral Cat Photos and prices for feral cat removal.
- MiceMice can live just about anywhere, but we see them most often in attics, sheds, barns, under porches, in crawlspaces, inside walls, inside parked vehicles, and in unused machinery. Their nests are messy and they may rip up other areas of your house looking for nesting material. Mice are prolific and infestation must be addressed or the population will grow unchecked. Mouse droppings are not the only sanitation problem associated with mice; they also bring pest insects with them wherever they go. Our wildlife removal experts have several varieties of mouse traps which are very effective means for getting rid of mice. Read more about mouse control, mice extermination and mouse poison and remember to check out our Mouse Photos and prices for mouse removal.
- RatsContact us for professional Rat removal, control, and clean-up services. We also offer coaching services and products for a fee. If you're a do-it-yourselfer, check out the suggested techniques below.
- SquirrelsContact us for professional Squirrel trapping, removal, odor control, and clean-up services. If you're a do-it-yourselfer, check out the suggested techniques below.
- VolesThe best way to prevent voles from coming to your yard is to have a dry or desert landscape, the more lush and viable your yard is, the more likely you are to have a vole problem. A naturally high population of predators is also helpful. There is no sure way to keep voles away from your lawn, but there are ways to get rid of voles.
- GophersContact us for professional Gopher trapping, removal, and control. We also offer coaching services and products for a fee. If you're a do-it-yourselfer, check out the suggested techniques below.
- ChipmunksChipmunks are burrowers. They sometimes dig under stairs, patios, and walls which can cause settling and damage. They are annoying because they destroy gardens by eating flower bulbs, fruits, vegetables, and seeds. Our wildlife control operators know how to get rid of chipmunks, whether the critters are under your porch, in your garden, or in your trees. Usually, our technicians utilize a chipmunk trap for this purpose; then they remove the animals from your property. Read more about chipmunk control and chipmunk extermination and remember to check out our Chipmunk Photos and prices for chipmunk removal.