- Ants
- TermitesEXTERIOR OF THE HOME Rotted wood on the exterior siding, door trim, window trim, and fascia and soffit boards greater than twenty(20) square inches in any one given location will be covered. Any wood damage regardless of the size or location caused by termites and any water damage that was concealed at the time of the original inspection will not be covered. Any water damage, causing swelling along the bottom edges of the siding and at joints are not covered. Hairline cracking in brick walls and concrete stucco walls are not covered. Synthetic stucco siding will not be covered. This type of siding inspection should fall under a separate moisture inspection. The gutters are covered provided that they are less than six(6) years old. The repair cost will be limited to $500.00.
- Bees
- Beetles
- RodentsHome inspectors are not required to report on the following: Life expectancy of any component or system; The causes of the need for a repair; The methods, materials, and costs of corrections; The suitability of the property for any specialized use; Compliance or non-compliance with codes, ordinances, statutes, regulatory requirements or restrictions; The market value of the property or its marketability; The advisability or inadvisability of purchase of the property; Any component or system that was not observed; The presence or absence of pests such as wood damaging organisms, rodents, or insects; or Cosmetic items, underground items, or items not permanently installed. Home inspectors are not required to: Offer warranties or guarantees of any kind; Calculate the strength, adequacy, or efficiency of any system or component; Enter any area or perform any procedure that may damage the property or its components or be dangerous to the home inspector or other persons; Operate any system or component that is shut down or otherwise inoperable; Operate any system or component that does not respond to normal operating controls; Disturb insulation, move personal items, panels, furniture, equipment, plant life, soil, snow, ice, or debris that obstructs access or visibility; Determine the presence or absence of any suspected adverse environmental condition or hazardous substance, including but not limited to mold, toxins, carcinogens, noise, contaminants in the building or in soil, water, and air; Determine the effectiveness of any system installed to control or remove suspected hazardous substances; Predict future condition, including but not limited to failure of components; Since this report is provided for the specific benefit of the customer(s), secondary readers of this information should hire a licensed inspector to perform an inspection to meet their specific needs and to obtain current information concerning this property.