- Dead Animal RemovalIn the unfortunate event that a dead animal is present in or near your home or business in the Chicagoland area, there’s no one better to call than Animal Trackers Wildlife !
- SpidersIn terms of habitat, a chipmunk prefers to reside in areas that border woodlands or provide areas of woodsy underbrush where nuts, seeds, and fungi are present. They have limited digging capabilities, so they will often make their homes under existing structures such as rocks, logs, brush piles, and buildings. In addition to nuts and seeds chipmunks have been known to eat flowers, flower buds, beetles, grasshoppers and spiders when available. Like other squirrel species, the Chipmunk will stash away or store their food.
- FliesThe biggest reason to keep your grubs in check is to control the beetle population around your house. Beetles, like the Japanese Beetle, can be very harmful to the plants around your home. They eat the leafy part of trees, rose bushes, and other plants leaving a skeleton leaf in their wake. This prevents the plant from photosynthesizing enough to keep it healthy and flourishing. Also, no one likes when a beetle flies into them, or into a window while they are trying to relax.
- BeetlesNo one likes destructive pests, and grubs are the sign of one. Grubs, sometimes called white grubs, are the larval form of the Japanese beetle, June “bugs” or the European chafers. While in the larval or “grub” form, they tunnel around under the grass and other plants, eating the roots and other organic materials that are present. When they mature they turn into Beetles that eat the leafy parts of plants, leaving the ‘skeleton’ in their wake. While destructive on their own, they can attract destruction as well.
- Hornets
- RaccoonsRaccoons are known as the masked bandits of the animal kingdom not just because of their distinct facial markings, but also their, tendency to explore and get into trouble. Raccoons are one of the most recognizable creatures that inhabit the Chicagoland area. Known for the black band, or “mask” around their eyes, they are, commonly gray, black, and brown in color, with a trademark striped tail.
- WildlifeHearing noises coming from your attic or chimney? Is there unexplainable sounds coming from your walls or yard? No, chances are you are not dealing with a ghost. You could however, have any number of different nuisance wildlife species squatting in or around your home. To help you get rid of unwanted wildlife faster we have made it easier for you to diagnose your problem. By knowing what type of animal you are dealing with, we can help speed up the process of wildlife removal by being better prepared.
- OpossumsThe fall season is upon us and so is grub season. Grubs can cause serious damage to your lawn and landscaping. To make matters worse, grubs in your lawn will attract skunks and opossums who will dig and tear at your grass to reach their prey.
- CoyotesCoyotes are something you definitely want to watch out for around your home. They have been known to attack dogs so they are a threat to your family pet.
- BirdsI am a certified installer for Bird Barrier America. They sell bird proofing products like nets and ledge deterrent devices, scare devices, etc... I completed the Chemical immobilization/tranquilization seminar taught by Safe Capture International in 1998. This Allows me to safely administer drugs to animals for tranquilization. Tony and I both have maintained our Class A Nuisance Wildlife Permits with the State of Illinois since 1997. I live in Hanover Park with my beautiful wife and a great son.
- SparrowsOur team of wildlife experts can help deter birds from causing problems at any commercial or residential property in the Chicagoland area. We commonly help with Pigeons, Sparrows, and Starlings.
- StarlingsBirds can destroy your home. Bird droppings are a hazardous situation to you and your family, pigeons and starlings are known to carry salmonella, blastomycosis, histoplasmosis, encephalitis and many other diseases that can infect humans. The droppings are also acidic, which will eat away building materials. Birds commonly nest in dryer ducts and above light fixtures causing a potential fire hazard
- CrowsWe forcefully practice the 95% rule: this means that we will not take the shot unless we are 95% confident that we will take the target out with one shot. If we are less than 95% confident, we will wait for a better opportunity. This means dramatically decreased damage liability and increased hit ratio. Over the years we have found that customers want one shot and done no collateral damage and minimal expense.
- PigeonsBrandon Kulosa of Animal Trackers Wildlife recently rappelled down a building in Wrigleyville to install screens over the scuppers (gutters placed thru the wall) that were positioned under a flat roof deck. These screens were placed to prevent pigeons from nesting in scuppers. This humane way of bird deterent and prevention is effective and safe to animals and building residents.
- RodentsGroundhogs are large rodents that are actually members of the squirrel family. In fact, they actually have the ability to climb trees. Groundhogs in Northern Illinois tend to have yellowish to reddish brown fur, short rounded ears with yellowish incisors. They typical adult will reach a length of about 1 foot and weigh up to 11 pounds.
- Mice
- Rats
- SquirrelsThe Eastern Chipmunk is a member of the rodent family, along with tree squirrels, mice, and beavers. They are part of this classification because the are “gnawing mammals.”
- ChipmunksThe Eastern Chipmunk is one of three species of Illinois ground squirrels. If you think you may have a Chipmunk problem, please use the information below to help correctly identify if this is, in fact, a chipmunk, and contact us today to learn about our chipmunk removal and prevention services.