- Engine Tune-Up
- Spark Plug Replacement
- Transmission ServiceAt St. Louis Transmission, we know that a diagnostic check-out is the best way to check to see if your transmission is having a problem. Today vehicles are more complex, computer-controlled transmissions; it takes a transmission expert to be able to diagnose a transmission problem correctly. Having the right transmission diagnosis can save you a lot of money and we offer this service free of charge, most places charge for this service. This is just one of the many transmission services we offer at our 8 local St. Louis Transmission shops.
- Transmission RepairSt. Louis Transmission Association is comprised of 4 independent transmission repair shops in and around the St. Louis area for over 40 Years. These 4 shops include
- Transmission Fluid Service
- Transmission Inspection15 to 20 years ago transmission shops were only dealing with a couple of different types of transmissions with common symptoms. Today there are many transmissions in use with new ones showing up every day. Many of today's transmissions are computer controlled, which could potentially mean that the cause of the failure lies somewhere other than with the transmission, even though the transmission is hurt or has failed.
- Transmission Replacement
- Clutch Service/Repair
- Axle Repair
- Radiator Service/Repair
- Brake Service
- Electrical Service/RepairThe modern automatic transmission is, by far, the most complicated mechanical component in today's vehicle. Automatic transmissions contain mechanical systems, hydraulic systems, electrical systems and computer controls, all working together in perfect harmony which goes virtually unnoticed until there is a problem.
- General RepairsYes, we know it's not any fun when something goes wrong with your automatic transmission. But you can be confident you will be treated fairly and competently when you take your automatic transmission to an ATRA member for auto repairs.
- Towing ServiceAustin Transmission Repair Shops is a member of the St. Louis Transmission Association. Our unique warehouse and distribution system ensures our customers high quality transmission parts as well as an extended variety of domestic and international warranties. We offer free diagnostics, free quotes and free towing on all major repairs! Financing options are also available. Call us today at one of our locations to learn more about our services!
- Auto Maintenance
- Belts and Hoses ServiceWhile most people are aware that their radiators need cold weather attention, few know their vehicle's transmission can benefit from a winter "physical." First, check the area around your car's radiator for leaves, paper, or other debris that might impede the incoming flow of cool air. While checking the radiator area, inspect all the belts and hoses around the engine compartment. Rubber components are always the first to fail because they're so susceptible to temperature changes. If any are dry or cracked, have them replaced now before they break. Once the temperature drops, you may notice a shift delay in your transmission. This can also be temperature and rubber related and may indicate a hardening of the rubber seals in your transmission. Hardened seals are a serious condition and should be checked out by a qualified technician.