- Auto InsuranceUnless you are an auto insurance agent, many of the facts, policies, and insurance jargon they speak sound like a foreign language. Therefore, at Auto Insurance Group, we would like to help explain these "code words" and translate them into simple, everyday language we can all understand.
- Home InsuranceElectric Insurance Company or EIC has been providing GE employees and other great drivers with quality, affordable auto insurance for over 35 years. Through their cutting-edge website, they provide world-class auto insurance service to customers in 31 states and home insurance service in 21 states.
- Life InsuranceTargeting upper and middle-income insurance consumers, the company has grown into the second-largest personal insurer in the United States, the first being State Farm. Allstate works to provide private auto, home, and life insurance as well as annuity and pension products through its agents. Branching out through its acquired subsidiaries, including Allstate Life, American Heritage Life, Lincoln Benefit Life, and Glenbrook Life, the company has also developed programs and policies to cover property-liability as well as many other kinds of insurance.