- Auto Insurance
- Life InsuranceAM Benefits is a benefits company that is exceptional in its approach, and continues to be dedicated to overseeing the benefits needs of companies and individuals. Based in Naples since 2006. We provide your company or family with health, dental, disability, and life insurance benefits. For companies we offer full service benefit package and human resources support. We can help you navigate the complicated maze of the Affordable Health Care Act laws. Our insurance specialists are available to offer professional assistance with insurance claims, payment options, policy upgrades, and excellence in service and support.
- Health Insurance"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" while there is some truth to this old saying being in need of medical care often leads to a person becoming financially weak. This is why health insurance exists. To help those individuals who plan ahead to keep their financial situation in tact in the event of a health issue. The cost of seeing a doctor or being hospitalized is always increasing, leading many to debts that they are not able to afford.
- Disability InsuranceAs of 2013, the US Social Security Administration found that a little over 1 in 4, 20-year-olds will become disabled before they retire. This means that there is a good chance that one of your employees will be in need of disability insurance, regardless of their occupation. Even if your company revolves primarily around desk jobs that does not mean that your employees will never need disability insurance.
- Long Term CareFrequently included in benefits offered by today’s top employers, long term care insurance has become a necessary part of a comprehensive insurance package for many employees. Of course, an employer and company is there to make a profitable business. AM Benefits offers free quotes from a range of carriers that allow Marco Island companies to get the best rates that fit their business and group health plan objectives.
- Business InsuranceEveryone needs insurance protection. Yet coverage can vary significantly when it comes to personal and business insurance policies. No one single insurance could adequately provide an entirely comprehensive range of coverage options to suit every single requirement. We offer access to a Wide Range of Insurance, Services and Analysis to provide valuable recommendations in a complicated world of choices.
- Workers Compensation InsuranceThe group health insurance plan of your company in Fort Myers can include Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) coverage which helps pay lump sums in the event of a serious workplace accident that is fatal, or causes permanent injury/disability, or specifically, dismemberment. AM Benefits provides AD&D insurance which, unlike workers' compensation, rounds out the comprehensive insurance package for your employees.
- Commercial Liability Insurance
- Professional Liability Insurance
- AnnuitiesAM Benefits can help eliminate the worries of outliving your income and savings by offering annuities that are designed to provide a reliable cash flow throughout your retirement. Our Marco Island insurance advisers can help you choose from a range of flexible plans that will allow you to protect your savings and generate a reliable stream of income for your golden years.