- Wellness Lifestyle Educator & Body Mechanics SpecialistI specialize in Transformation and Healing for people who are ready to end their struggle with imbalance and pain in their physical body and daily life!
- Who are my clients?eople in pain, on any level, who want a new way of living - less suffering, much more joy. Most are frustrated with trying many different methods that have left them feeling that their healing is incomplete. They know deep down that there's more to life than just surviving and managing pain.
- I teach clients to thrive!My C.O.R.E. Wellness Lifestyle will give you the skills to heal your physical body, calm your mind, manage your emotions and help infuse your day with your own inner spiritual guidance.
- I am a Mind, Body, and Spirit Wellness CoachI Am Here for You! I Am your Guide, your Mentor, your Companion to Assist You on your Personal Wellness Journey to Wholeness, Complete Health, Vitality, Peace, Love, and Joy!
- In-Person, Therapeutic ProgramsAfter 13 years full-time in the wellness business, teaching thousands of group classes and individually assisting hundreds of private clients worldwide, I have created my own unique approach to wellness. I draw upon a wide variety of modalities that I have studied extensively in order to create a truly intelligent, inspiring, custom, wellness experience. These unique programs use all of my expertise, experience, and intuition to assist you with a full body retraining program. We move through your entire body finding areas of imbalance, weakness and tightness and then we reprogram your body and mind to move with grace, integration and consciousness. It's in these sessions that the real MAGIC happens! You will learn about your anatomy and feel amazed by your body's brilliance and AWEsome potential. I approach exercise in a holisitic manner and we will focus on creating balance in your body, mind, emotions, spirit and life!
- Pilates Matwork
- Pilates ApparatusReformer, Cadillac, Wunda Chair, Ladder Barrel, Arc Barrel
- Yogafrom restorative to vigorous styles
- Self-Massage Techniques
- Relaxation / Meditation
- Customized Routines / Programs
- Photos / Videos of Homework Programs
- Wellness Lifestyle CoachingNourishing Food Programs, Self-Care Routines, Detoxification, Overall Well-Being
- I assist clients in creating a custom #Wellness Tool-Box that consists of a personal program of homework stretchesand strengtheners that assist in preventing & healing injury, maintaining health and living life fully emPOWERed. Depending on the desires of the client we can also dive more deeply into overall health and wellness to include eating wholesome foods, learning to detox the body, and creating lasting self-care routines
- Clients refer to me as their Personal TrainerPilates Instructor, Yoga Teacher, Body Therapist, Health Coach, Life Mentor, Spiritual Teacher, Intuitive Healer, Personal Cheerleader, Empathetic Listener, and Modern Mystic! I feel so very blessed that this is my life's work and that I get to constantly learn and grow in more discovery!
- Muscular / Structural Imbalances
- Pain and Injury Recovery
- Balance of Strength & Flexibility
- Weight Loss & Maintenence
- Pelvic Floor Strength
- Core Strength
- Balance Improvement
- Spinal Health
- Neck Pain
- Shoulder, Hip, and Knee Injuries
- Myofascial Pain
- My current clients include people working with ObesityEating Disorder Recovery, Incontinence, Prolapsed Uterus, Infertility, Hip Replacement, Cancer Recovery, Hysterectomy and C-Section Recovery, Back, Neck, Knee and Shoulder Pain, Fibromyalgia and Lupus . . . along with Inner JOY, PEACE, and Self/Divine LOVE! No two sessions are the same and always build upon each other. You will leave feeling inspired, refreshed, and far more emPOWERed than when you arrived
- Pre-registration is required. A brief phone interview is needed to enroll. This year long program is divided into 2 month courses. There will be 3 of these courses offered in 2016: mar / apr, jul / aug, oct / nov
- Receive a solid, confident, therapeutic foundation in the authentic Pilates Method as taught by Joseph PilatesLearn in a 'course' style setting with book included and easy read along study syllabus. Feel empowered with a customized home practice of core strengthening and stretching that feels amazing and yields tangible results that last. The Pilates Method is quite effective and efficient - a little goes a long way in feeling drastically stronger and longer. Enjoy these teachings for life - gain an experiential knowledge of the method as if in a teacher training program . . . which you are . . . you are teaching yourself how to move gracefully, consciously, and pain free! Limited Enrollment! 90 Minute Classes
- Mondays & Wednesdays11:00 - 12:30pm. The course material is the same on Monday & Wednesday - good news if you need to miss a class during the course - and great news if you attend both classes a week because the lessons will be repeated for deep absorption of the exercises
- Includes Book and Study Course$497.002 Months: $275.00These courses will be ongoing thru the year - 3 courses total - building in difficulty (Ex: Level 1-2, Level 2-3). And I will offer the "Level Fundamentals / Level 1" course again throughout the year, which is the course required to start the program. Course 1: Fundamentals & Level 1 - March: 7 & 9, 14 & 16, 21 & 23; April - 4 & 6, 11 & 13, 18 & 20. Course 2: July / Aug, Course 3: Oct / Nov
- This program is ideal for you if you are interested in authentically learning the Pilates Method of Matwork so accurately that you feel confident in practicing it at homeThe Pilates Matwork is by far my favorite system of 'core' exercises and is an exceptionally supportive practice for ashtanga practitioners. Most group pilates classes are way too overcrowded with uneducated teachers . . . not this class. I have taught thousands of pilates classes to thousands of students - I can make this stuff fun and educational. This class is gonna rock your world . . . Pilates Style!
- Private SessionsPrivate sessions are my speciality and I highly recommend this option when possible. It is an ideal way for a beginner to learn the Ashtanga method accurately without risk of injury or overwhelm. And it's transformational for students who have started ashtanga, but are in need of 'cleaning' up their practice. Because of my knowledge (straight from the Jois family in India) I can assist you in taking your practice to the next level - physically, mentally, and spiritually. Sessions are 2 hours and you will leave with tons of notes and resources in hand. You can expect radical results! Please call for current pricing and schedule
- Intro Workshops & Led ClassesLed classes are taught in the Sanskrit vinyasa count just like in Mysore, India. Students move thru the poses together. Some knowledge of the series is required, which is why I am offering an introduction workshop before every Led class. If you are new to me as a student you are REQUIRED to attend one of these Ashtanga 101 workshops in order to attend the Led Class (or you can sign up for a private session)
- Intro Workshop$40.00Required for first time students to Shae. Handouts provided. Includes the Led Class afterwards
- Led Class$25.00Primary series Led in the Sanskrit count
- Fridays: 9:30am - Intro Workshop, 11:00am - Led Class. Saturdays: 12:30pm - Intro Workshop, 2:00pm - Led Class
- JanuaryFridays: Jan 22nd & Jan 29th
- FebruarySaturday: Feb 13th, Friday: Feb 26th
- MarchSaturday: Mar 12th, Friday: Mar 25th
- AprilSaturday: Apr 9th, Friday: Apr 22nd
- MaySaturday: May 7th, Friday: May 27th
- JuneSaturday: Jun 4th, Friday: Jun 10th
- JulySaturday: Jul 9th, Friday: Jul 22nd
- AugustSaturday: Aug 13th, Friday: Aug 26th
- SeptemberSaturday: Sep 10th, Friday: Sep 30th
- OctoberSaturday: Oct 15th, Friday: Oct 28th
- NovemberSaturday: Nov 5th, Friday: Nov 18th
- Ashtanga 101 Intro Workshop$40.00Required for first time students to Shae Bryant. Semi-private instruction in the authentic Ashtanga Method. Handouts provided. Includes Led Class
- Ashtanga Led Class$25.00Primary series of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga led in the Sanskrit count
- Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga is my own personal, daily yoga practiceIt is my love, my passion, my sadhana, my life path. My only Ashtanga yoga teachers have been within the lineage of Shri K. Pattabhi Jois of Mysore, India. Laura Spaulding, (Authorized Level II), was my first and primary Ashtanga teacher as I traveled to NYC, Mysore and Goa, India in order to learn the system as accurately as possible under the Jois family (Pattabhi Jois, Saraswati, Manju, and Sharath). Through Guruji's (Pattabhi Jois) enlightened adjustments, conferences, classes, and example I have been inspired to continue this 8-limb path of yoga, incorporating my practice into all parts of my life. Sharath Rangaswamy Jois, Guruji's grandson, has been my teacher since Guruji's passing. He invited me to attend his Authorization Level 1 Teacher Training over the summer of 2010 and has been instructing me through the Intermediate Series of Ashtanga yoga. I have also studied under Noah Williams, Tim Miller, Chuck Miller and David Williams