- Pediatric Care
- MRIFor your first visit, please come 10-15 minutes early and bring a photo ID, your insurance card, and your doctor’s referral. If you have X-rays or MRI reports, please also bring these so we can review your tests. Please dress comfortably in loose-fitting clothing so you can show and describe the area that will be evaluated and treated by the therapist. For example, if you have an injured knee, it might be best to wear shorts; if you have an injured shoulder, a tank top might be a good choice; and for low back problems, please wear a loose-fitting shirt and pants in order for our therapists to perform an examination. We do have changing rooms, if you prefer changing here.
- Joint Replacement
- Sports Medicine
- Physical Therapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Shoulder Pain
- Back Pain
- Aquatic TherapyWe are the first in Murfreesboro to offer aquatic therapy. Built-in features of our aquatic pool include an underwater treadmill, massage jets, in-pool video monitoring, and an accessibility lift.
- Neuro Rehabilitation
- Manual Therapy
- Geriatrics
- TMJ Dysfunction
- Orthotics and Prosthetic Therapy