- Arthritis
- Medical Weight LossTo all of our patients and friends. During this unprecedented time, we are remaining open to continue to serve our community's health needs. We are going above and beyond all CDC sanitation recommendations and currently open reduced days Monday, Wednesday and Friday for chiropractic patients and weight loss consultations.
- Pediatric Care
- Emergency CareChiropractic care has been deemed essential by the South Carolina governor. We are helping to keep people who are in pain out of the emergency room.
- ImmunizationsProof of Immunization. We will disclose proof of immunization to a school that is required to have it before admitting a student where you have agreed to the disclosure on behalf of yourself or your dependent.
- Kidney StonesThere are a variety of issues that can be responsible for back pain. Lower back pain can originate from obesity, arthritis, kidney stones or a urinary tract infection. These conditions are harmful if left untreated for a long period of time and must be treated as soon as possible in order to prevent long-term health issues. Chiropractors in Mt Pleasant have been taught to identify these issues and provide the most effective treatment plan. A simple chiropractic adjustment has the potential to help greatly with many of these common issues.
- Urinary Tract Infection
- Neurology
- Carpal Tunnel SyndromeThe compression of the median nerve in your wrist can lead to a condition known as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. The compression of this nerve is due to swelling which usually arises from a hidden medical condition. This rather common and painful nerve condition commonly results in expensive surgery and medication. But there is another option! Chiropractors in Mt Pleasant use less aggressive and more affordable methods to treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. The following information will benefit you if you are concerned about your wrist pain and are interested in a proven successful plan at B.L. Black Clinic of Chiropractic to help those like you struggling with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Mt Pleasant.
- Mental HealthRight to Inspect and Copy. You have the right to inspect and copy your health information, with limited exceptions. To access your medical information, you must submit a written request detailing what information you want access to, whether you want to inspect it or get a copy of it, and if you want a copy, your preferred form and format. We will provide copies in your requested form and format if it is readily producible, or we will provide you with an alternative format you find acceptable, or if we can’t agree and we maintain the record in an electronic format, your choice of a readable electronic or hardcopy format. We will also send a copy to any other person you designate in writing. We will charge a reasonable fee which covers our costs for labor, supplies, postage, and if requested and agreed to in advance, the cost of preparing an explanation or summary. We may deny your request under limited circumstances. If we deny your request to access your child's records or the records of an incapacitated adult you are representing because we believe allowing access would be reasonably likely to cause substantial harm to the patient, you will have a right to appeal our decision. If we deny your request to access your psychotherapy notes, you will have the right to have them transferred to another mental health professional.
- Diabetes Care
- Thyroid
- UltrasoundUltrasound is a therapy that is utilized in the office to handle injuries related to joints, muscle spasms, as well as most soft tissues. While it shares the same name, this ultrasound is not the same as the type of ultrasound utilized diagnostically to screen internally in the body. This ultrasound creates small sound waves that in effect vibrate and massage soft tissues and muscle. These sound waves do an excellent job in facilitating the body's healing process in addition to decreasing scar tissue formation.
- MRI"Three months ago I cane to you for my very first chiropractic visit ever. I was so nervous. I even asked my co-workers to pray for me as I was leaving the office! I too was praying, "Lord, please don't let this guy crack my neck and paralyze me for life!!!" But after two years of upper back and neck pain I was desperate for relief. I had gone to my family doctor and an orthopedic doctor and had X-Rays and an MRI but the results showed nothing but normal aging and degeneration. The only thing they could do was prescribe a strong Ibruprophin to relieve some of the pain and Ambien, to help me get some sleep. So I did just that until this past May when suddenly my lower back was in pain and I could hardly walk. I became so tired and so depressed. I remember crying out to God "Please help me. I am only 50 years old. How can live like this for another 30 years? I don' want to live like this for another 30 years. I just can't." I cry now just thinking of those moments.
- X-Rays
- Orthopedics
- SciaticaPregnancy causes many major changes, some of which can cause pain throughout the body. Many pregnant women seek chiropractic care in Mt Pleasant for relief from: lower back pain, sciatica, leg cramps, and even constipation. These problems can stop you from performing daily tasks and can lead to difficulties during labor.
- WhiplashAfter an automobile accident, many people look for chiropractic help in Mt Pleasant. In many car accident cases, whiplash, when your head and neck are violently swung back and forth, is endured. Most automobile accidents result in being hit from behind which often leads to whiplash. Not only can automobile accidents can cause whiplash, but also trauma, abuse and falls.
- LiposuctionIdeal Light uses red and near-infrared light pads to attack fat cells in the body, resulting in a slimmer, healthier appearance. Only slimming devices that use red light therapy can effectively remove fat from problem areas like the waist and hips without resorting to invasive procedures like liposuction.
- Bariatric SurgeryIt’s important though to understand how much of a problem we are having with weight in the US. According to the National Weight Control Registry there are about 108 Million people on diets in the United States, and these dieters make about 4-5 attempts each year. There are about 220,000 people with morbid obesity, and the cost for bariatric surgery can range from $11,500 to $26,000. Another study by the American Journal of Preventative Medicine estimates by 2030 about 42% of US adults could be obese adding $550 billion to heath care costs.
- Sports MedicinePhysiotherapy also helps treat a wide range of disorders; such as pediatrics, geriatrics, orthopedics, sports medicine, neurology, and cardiopulmonary physiotherapy.
- Physical TherapyIn the present-day, treatment typically consists of prescribed medication and surgeries intended to release built up pressure along with physical therapy. However, these methods are usually unsuccessful in fixing the the origin of the problem. These attempts, if effective, offer only short periods of improvement. Living with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome requires people to change their routines. This makes tasks that used to be simple more difficult, whether that be at home or in the work field. This means a short period solution will not be adequate.
- Frozen Shoulder
- Slipped DiscDo you have a slipped disc or other disc injury in Mt Pleasant? If you suspect that your periodic back pain is the result of a disc injury, or you have been diagnosed with a disc injury, you should be able to find help by seeking chiropractic care at B.L. Black Clinic of Chiropractic.
- Neck Pain
- Back Pain
- Geriatrics