- Tax DeductionsContributions from parents, grandparents, or any other Alabama taxpayer come with an added bonus in the form of an Alabama state income tax deduction.
- Income TaxNo matter how much you invest, any earnings in your CollegeCounts 529 account will grow free from federal and state income tax. This means the potential for additional investment growth for your account.
- Tax DeferralThe CollegeCounts 529 Fund offers attractive tax advantages including tax deferral on any growth in the account and tax-free withdrawals for qualified college expenses.
- Mutual FundsCollegeCounts is proud to present a wide variety of investment options. Investors select from three age-based options, six target portfolios, or 26 individual fund portfolios. These investment options are from a number of well-respected mutual fund families including Vanguard, T. Rowe Price, PIMCO, and Fidelity.
- College FundingMost parents, especially younger parents, aren’t saving for their children’s college education as much as they could be. In fact, according to a recent study conducted by the College Savings Plans Network, only about a third of Americans have even heard of a 529 plan. And according to investment research firm Morningstar, just 16 percent of parents with children 18 and under are saving for college with a 529 plan.