- Deep Tissue Massage$18790 minutes of Heaven on Earth. Receiving a massage from a highly-skilled professional is more than a relaxing indulgence. Get real relief from chronic pain with the right combination of deep tissue work and relaxation massage.
- Medical Massage
- Shiatsu MassageAquatic Bodywork is a very soothing type of whole body, mind & soul therapy that takes place in warm, waist-deep water. There are many forms of Aquatic Bodywork. One of them, called Watsu, got it’s start in 1980 when Harold Dull started applying Zen Shiatsu stretches to students floating in the warm pool at Harbin Hot Springs in California. Its name comes from a combination of the words “water” and “shiatsu.” Since then, many other forms have been developed: Water Dance, Healing Dance, & Aquatic Integration, to name a few. Thomas practices his own blend of Aquatic Bodywork which incorporates his background in ballet, massage, yoga and meditation.
- Neuromuscular TherapyThomas is committed to exploring a wide range of massage techniques and distinguishing himself as a high-level practitioner. Since graduating with a B.A. degree in Dance, Music, and Art, he has passionately pursued a focus in healing, by becoming certified in the following areas: NeuroMuscular Therapy, Injury Rehabilitation, Thai Medical Massage, Connective Tissue Massage and Structural Integration as developed by Ida Rolf. He continues to study with notable experts in the realm of therapeutic massage, anatomy, and the healing arts.
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