- Door Installation/ReplacementWindows Only is a locally owned and operated Portland window replacement company. Our experienced window installers specialize in residential window and door replacement. Windows and doors are the first line of defense for insulating your home properly, so don’t take chances, call the professionals at Windows Only.
- FramingDouble-pane windows are the next step up in efficiency. Built like a sandwich with a buffer of air or gas in the center. Some windows use argon gas for its grater insulation capabilities as well. The concept is to prevent heat loss through conduction, making it harder for the heat to transfer between the materials and escape. That being said not all double-pane windows are created equal. Many of the cheaper model frames are built from aluminum which conducts heat extremely well virtually negating their heat retention capabilities. Solid wood or vinyls are much better framing options adding a solid boundary to keep the heat from conducting with ease. For all of your Portland Window Replacement questions, Windows Only is always her to help. Feel free to Contact Us for any questions you may have
- New ConstructionFor years, architects and builders have specified aluminum windows for their overall strength and lasting value. Milgard Thermally Improved Aluminum Series windows are strong, durable and energy efficient. Aluminum windows are great for both replacement and new construction window projects.
- Window Installation/ReplacementIn general, exterior remodeling projects tend to be a seasonal business. Window replacement projects are no exception. Most people do these types of projects in the summer or early fall, making 7 months of the year (between April and October) the peak season. During this busy season, manufacturers shift their production lines into high gear, installation schedules fill, and lead times increase. Conversely, in the winter things slow down, lead times are shorter, scheduling delays are far less common, and many companies struggle to keep their crews busy.
- SidingA “cut in” or nail fin installation is the most common and most recommended installation method when replacing old metal frame windows in most applications. It basically involves cutting back the exterior siding and interior surrounds, and installing exterior trim around the perimeter of the window. With rare exceptions, a proper cut-in installation should involve all of the following elements...
- Insulation
- CaulkingCaulking Problems: Caulking around windows may be cracked or separated, allowing water to penetrate the wall, or even into the interior of the wall.