- Auto InsuranceRegardless of your driving history, Allied Senior Services is sure to find the right auto insurance company for you. Acquiring auto insurance is important for all drivers. Wisconsin requires drivers to be insured, which reduces financial stress on vehicle operators. Accidents happen to careful drivers everywhere. The cost of repairing damages is significantly reduced with auto insurance. If you get into an accident without insurance, you are financially liable for all damages. These damages can include car repair for all parties involved, medical expenses, and legal consequences. Don’t get stuck paying out of pocket. Get your auto insurance now.
- Motorcycle InsuranceDoes the thrill of the open road keep you going? We thought so. Our agency wants you to stay on the road, so we offer insurance coverage policies for all your activities. Your motorcycle is your pride and joy, so we will keep it that way. Getting motorcycle insurance is now easier than ever. Are you taking the family on a trip in the RV? Great, we can make sure that RV is safe and sound. Do you prefer solo cruising on your bike? We will help keep you cruising. Having coverage for your roading activities is important so you can focus on the road. We will insure your motorcycle, sports bike, cruiser, moped, scooter, and RV.
- Renters InsuranceMost homeowner and renter insurance policies include a personal liability insurance component. This component is important to have in case there is an accident within the boundaries of your property. Regardless of fault for the incident, the liability aspect plays a role in covering the fees that arise from a legal case or the cost of medical care. For example, if your mailman slips and falls on your porch, their medical costs are covered under the liability. If the mailman sues you for not maintaining a risk-free porch, the legal fees are covered under the liability. Check with us to make sure your policy includes personal liability insurance.
- Home InsuranceWe cannot predict the future, which is why insurance is so important. If a storm damages your property, a break-in occurs, or a fire takes place, insurance helps relieve the stress of the cost to repair and replace damaged or destroyed property. Regardless of the event, insurance can bring peace of mind to the situation. Your home is an investment, and it is important to keep it safe. Home insurance covers the following...
- Life InsuranceAllied Senior Services offers life insurance access to people throughout the state of Wisconsin. Many people know of life insurance, but they do not understand why they need life insurance policies. Some people avoid the topic of life insurance because they are not thinking about the future. No one wants to talk about what happens when they are gone, but the truth is it’s unavoidable. It is important to consider what will happen to your assets when the time comes. There are two main types of life insurance policies: whole life insurance and term life insurance. Speak to our agents to determine which life insurance policy is best for you.
- Health InsuranceThe variety of health insurance providers in the marketplace makes it challenging to decide what will best suit your needs. Our knowledgeable agents at Allied Senior Services help residents of Wisconsin navigate through their options. Since 1989, we have been developing a reputation throughout the community by putting our members first. We combine friendly and knowledgeable agents with reasonable prices to give you the best experience possible. Every person is unique and requires health insurance that reflects that. Your health insurance should be affordable and cover all services you need. Call us today to find what works for you.
- AnnuitiesAllied Senior Services agents can help you protect yourself from the risk of outliving your income. Retirement is an exciting and new adventure. You can prepare for retirement by making sure you have enough money to live comfortably. Our agency offers you the ability to buy annuities. Annuities provide financial security by maintaining an income stream even after you finish working. Annuities are a great addition to social security and investment savings. When these two things are not enough, the addition of annuities can be a great help in retirement. To learn more about your annuity options, connect with us now.
- Liability Insurance